Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 – Side Events

On 21-22 June 2023, the UK jointly with Ukraine will host the international Ukraine Recovery Conference in London. Join online or offline URC 2023 side events on Ukraine’s sustainable and inclusive reconstruction.

Securing the Integrity and Resilience of Ukraine’s Financial System

19 June, 12:30 – 17:15 BST / 14:30 – 19:15 Kyiv time
Organisers: Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies at RUSI, Better Regulation Delivery Office – BRDO

As discussions on the funding of Ukraine’s reconstruction continue, this event will address an issue that is currently absent from the wider Ukraine Recovery Conference agenda and discussions related to reconstruction – namely, the importance of integrity and resilience in the Ukrainian financial system to combat potential corruption-related money laundering.

This is the latest activity of RUSI’s Project SMURF, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, through which the CFCS engages with government, private sector and civil society partners in Ukraine on the importance of integrity and resilience in the Ukrainian financial system.

Register here to participate online.

Shaping the new Ukraine: Delivering resilient recovery

20 June, 9:00 – 18:00 BST / 11:00 – 20:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: Chatham House

This conference’s goal is to find ways to shape a better-than-ever, fully reconstructed Ukraine, once peace is achieved but starting right now. Ukraine’s recovery requires enormous human and financial resources and will impact every sphere of public life.

This event convenes Ukrainian and other international participants representing governments, civil society, cities, philanthropic organizations, private foundations, and the private sector. It offers new insights and approaches to recovery and discuss specific mechanisms to rebuild Ukraine sustainably, inclusively, and transparently.

This event is held in English with simultaneous translation into Ukrainian, and is livestreamed. It is supported by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and is in conjunction with the international Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023. See the event agenda here.

The strategic rollout of renewable energy in Ukraine: Its role for Economic Recovery and Potential for international investments

20 June, 14:00 – 17:00 BST / 16:00 – 19:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: Razom We Stand, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, State Energy Efficiency Agency of Ukraine, Ember

The event seeks to highlight the pivotal role of renewable energy and energy efficiency in fostering a sustainable and green economic recovery, while bolstering Ukraine’s energy security and unlocking its investment potential. Additionally, it aims to facilitate collaboration between Ukrainian businesses and their British counterparts in the realms of business, finance, and insurance, aiming to mobilize their support for the successful implementation of renewable energy projects in Ukraine.

he event will feature two panel discussions with government and business representatives, alongside Ukrainian and international experts. The meeting will also host representatives from prominent organizations including the EBRD, EIB, IEA, Energy Community Secretariat, as well as business associations and renowned experts from think tanks such as Ember and Carbon Tracker.

Register here to participate online.

A Vision for a Gender Responsive and Inclusive Recovery in Ukraine

20 June, 15:00 – 17:00 BST / 17:00 – 19:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – EBRD, UN Women, FCDO, National Democratic Institute – NDI, Ukrainian Women’s Fund, Women’s Ukraine Congress and the Government of Ukraine

The aim of the event is promote a Gender Responsive Recovery which is inclusive of all groups, in particular, as gender intersects with internal displacement, disability and psychological harm, conscription, ethnicity and other factors emerging from the ongoing wartime conditions. The discussion will be grounded in Ukraine’s revised National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) with a focus on women’s meaningful participation in decision making on recovery and reconstruction.

The event will highlight the specific needs of women and girls and the tools stakeholders can draw upon, such as gender responsive planning and budgeting, in bringing about a gender-responsive recovery in Ukraine. The event will put a spotlight on the leadership, agency and voice of women, especially Roma, disabled, veteran, lesbian and young women, and explore how they can shape an inclusive recovery that embeds values of human capital resilience, diversity and equality of opportunity. It will also specifically highlight the importance of the private sector in promoting a gender equal, inclusive and sustainable recovery, that places a focus on human capital development at its centre.

Register here to participate online.

Building Back Greener is Building Back Stronger: Ukraine’s Transition from Coal To Clean

20 June, 16:00 – 17:00 BST / 18:00 – 19:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: Powering Past Coal Alliance, Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Join the PPCA for a compelling discussion that sheds light on Ukraine’s new Energy Strategy and hear directly from a range of speakers, including the Minister and Deputy Minister of Energy, as they unveil the key components and objectives of this visionary plan. The event will also gather invaluable insights from local mayors and NGOs who have been leading the way in spearheading the transition to a more just and safer energy system.

Discover the innovative approaches, policies, and technologies that are driving Ukraine’s shift towards a sustainable and secure energy future and learn about the remarkable resilience demonstrated by Ukraine’s government, as well as its commitment to combatting climate change. Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss ways to increase international collaboration and support, including through the PPCA, to ensure the success of Ukraine’s energy transition.

Register here to participate online.

Ukraine’s (post)War Economy: Sustainability, International Relations, and EU Integration

20 June, 18:00 – 20:00 BST / 20:00 – 22:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre (GPERC),Institute of Political Economy, Governance, Finance and Accountability (PEGFA), University of Greenwich

The Russian aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 shook the world and has caused immense suffering and destruction in the invaded country. Aggravating the damage caused since the invasion of 2014, adding to the pre-existing economic problems, pandemic socio-economic damages, the war drags on and with it grows the scope of destruction of human life, livelihoods, and future prospects.

How does Ukraine link building an economy to secure victory in the war with long-term goal of sustainable development and strengthening the resiliency of its democracy? How can its EU candidate status be leveraged by Ukrainian opponents of neoliberal frameworks and policies? The economic reform and their nature and the role of the EU do and will play a crucial role in determining the shape of Ukraine to come. As the London Ukraine Recovery conference is upon us, we will discuss Ukraine’s losses, prospects, proposals on the table and those that are lacking. Whither Ukraine and/in Europe? Our roundtable will aim to deliver some crucial answers and set out trajectories for the future.

Register here to participate online/offline.

Russia’s Ecocide in Ukraine

20 June, 18:30 – 20:00 BST / 20:30 – 22:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Ukrainian Institute London

Russia’s destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant on 6 June 2023 has changed the landscape of southern Ukraine, brought unprecedented environmental damage to the Black Sea region, and will have lasting global repercussions. The consequences of Russia’s act of ecocide include destruction of ecosystems in the Kakhovka reservoir, the water bodies that flow into it, and areas downstream of the Dnipro River, water pollution, displacement of mines, and impediment of irrigation in southern Ukraine which compromises global food security. The international reaction to this crime was incommensurate with the enormity of the destruction. Our panel of environmental experts and activists will provide an urgent response to the rapidly developing situation and discuss Russia’s criminal man-made catastrophe.

Register here to participate offline. The event will be recorded.

Ukraine Recovery Conference

21 – 22 June
Organisers: UK and Ukraine

The Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023, to be held jointly by the UK and Ukraine in London in June, is a continuation of the cycle of annual events with the last one conducted jointly with Switzerland in Lugano. The previous edition of the conference, held for the first time during the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine, launched the Lugano Principles, which laid the foundation for the reconstruction process of Ukraine and united the world in its efforts.

Since Lugano, the international community has pledged significant emergency assistance, but a broader mobilisation of public and private sectors is needed to meet the scale of stabilisation and recovery needs Ukraine requires following russian attacks. Ukraine has already undertaken initiatives to move forward with reconstruction in line with these principles and commitments, despite the circumstances of war.

URC 2023 will focus on mobilising international support for Ukraine’s economic and social stabilisation and recovery from the effects of war, including through emergency assistance for immediate needs and financing private sector participation in the reconstruction process.

Live streaming of open sessions will be available on the conference website.

Sustainable Inclusive Recovery: Fostering community leadership to meet local needs

22 June, 14:00 – 18:00 BST / 16:00 – 20:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: Ministry for Restoration of Ukraine, EUACI, USAID, Canadian government, IRF, SURGe, U-Lead, EU

Against the backdrop of the Ukraine Recovery Conference, the Sustainable Inclusive Recovery session will explore how to help communities recover while respecting decentralized governance and fostering community capacity to meet local needs.

Key issues for discussion include:

What is an inclusive recovery? How can the Government of Ukraine ensure that the recovery works for everyone? What constitutes a social and economic Build Back Better approach? How does Ukraine ensure equity in terms of the amount of assistance and prioritization?

What is a sustainable recovery? How can Ukraine ensure that Build Back Better is realized and that revitalization considers the impact of choices made today on future generations?

The session will feature the Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine and Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kubrakov, on his ministry’s approach to working with communities on their recovery. The event will also be attended by representatives of the Government of Ukraine, local government, local governance associations and civil society organizations, to establish effective cooperation for the efficient recovery and development of local communities and territories of Ukraine.

You can watch the event livestreamed here:

Ukraine: Investments in energy for green recovery – needs and opportunities (in person only)

22 June, 15:00 – 18:30 BST / 17:00 – 20:30 Kyiv time
Organisers: EBRD, DiXi Group

Representatives of Ukraine’s government, the European Union, international financial institutions, energy experts and private sector will discuss the following issues:
– What are the prospects for investors in the energy sector of Ukraine and which companies are ready to invest?
– What steps should be taken to improve the business climate in the country?
– How to properly balance the power system in the context of the growth of renewable energy sources and decentralisation?

By bringing together investors, industry leaders, policymakers and experts, the events aims to foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and explore opportunities for sustainable energy investments that will shape Ukraine’s energy future.

Building a transparent and accountable Ukraine: key steps to recovery

23 June, 9:00 – 14:30 BST / 11:00 – 16:30 Kyiv time
Organisers: RISE Ukraine, TI Ukraine, TI UK, German Marshall Fund, Open Contracting Partnership, USAID, EBRD

Participants of this half-day conference will explore how Ukraine can prepare for a process of recovery and reconstruction that promotes digitalisation, strong transparency and integrity.

Hear directly from officials from governments and donor agencies about the work underway to ensure the recovery and reconstruction process is transparent, accountable, digital, and efficient, including efforts that draw upon Ukraine’s world-class capabilities for transparency and integrity governance developed over the past decade.

Ukraine Recovery Business Day

23 June, 9:00 – 17:00 BST / 11:00 – 19:00 Kyiv time
Organisers: Center for Economic Recovery, European Business Association, London Business School, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Ukraine Recovery Business Day will unite approximately 200 British, Ukrainian, and international investors committed to contributing to Ukraine’s recovery and fostering business connections and new partnerships. This event will take place on the day following the Ukraine Recovery Conference to consolidate the outcomes of political and economic discussions as a part of Ukraine Recovery Week.

The objectives of URBD are as follows:
● Identify the needs and opportunities for recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine, and formulate a shared vision for the role of the private sector in the recovery process;
● Enhance the awareness of the international business community regarding short-term and long-term investments and development opportunities associated with the reconstruction of Ukraine;
● Reflect on the key outcomes of URC 2023 and strengthen them through a detailed analysis of Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction process.

Register here to participate online or offline.