Green, equitable, inclusive: redefining public spaces. Transforming the financial system for a zero-carbon future. Climate-resilient food systems. Selecting the right nature-based solution in the right place. Forests: our first line of defense against disease. Challenges and opportunities in plastic recycling and disposal. Aviation & Covid: towards a green recovery? Find out about these and more online events of the week!
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30 November – 4 December
“UN Climate Change Dialogues 2020 (Climate Dialogues)” (by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC)
Due to the current health and safety measures put in place worldwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, COP 26 and subsidiary body sessions have been postponed to 2021. The objective of the Climate Dialogues (23 November – 4 December) is to provide a platform for Parties and other stakeholders to showcase progress made in 2020 and exchange views and ideas across the subsidiary bodies and COP agendas mandated for 2020. Check the schedule of official meetings, and the special events schedule for updates and registration links.
30 November – 4 December
“World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF Online)” (by Sitra)
Topics of WCEF side events of this week include:
– Best circular economy solutions from Finland
– Circular economy research and innovation for a green recovery
– Solutions pathways for circular plastics in Canada
– Rethinking ownership: the role of ownership in the circular economy
– Closing the loop on bioeconomy innovation
– Circular economy solutions to accelerate SDG implementation
30 November – 1 December
“Sustainable Business Summit Global” (by Bloomberg)
The Summit will bring together business leaders and investors globally to drive innovation and scale best practices in sustainable business and finance. This global event will span key markets and time zones, leveraging Bloomberg’s unrivaled markets expertise to convene conversations uniquely focused on the risks and opportunities for corporate executives and forward-thinking investors in a 21st-century economy. Over the course of two days the following themes will be covered: (1) Staying Below 2 Degrees, (2) Financial Case for Sustainability, (3) Beyond Shareholders. View the event agenda here.
30 November, 9:00 – 10:30 AM CET
“Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition: Heating and Cooling” (by IRENA, International Energy Agency – IEA and REN21)
Presenting the findings of the joint report on Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition: Heating and Cooling report by IRENA, IEA and REN21, this Policy Talk will focus on policies needed to decarbonise heating and cooling in all end-uses. The discussion will include highlights from the study, which provides a comprehensive policy framework to overcome the key barriers that have impeded the uptake of renewables in heating and cooling. Interventions from policy makers will also be made to share experiences and best practices in the implementation of policies, while highlighting lessons learnt.
30 November, 10:30 – 11:45 AM CET
“Meeting the EU 2030 emissions targets: Are we on the right track?” (by Euractiv)
What is the power sector’s role in helping to create sustainable paths for the EU’s climate ambitions? Are there cost estimates on an aggregated and sectorial basis? How best to take advantage of all existing clean technologies in order to realise the full decarbonisation potential of the EU economy, leaving no one behind? What role for the power sector as a key enabler of decarbonisation of different industries? What are the benefits for consumers?
30 November, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CET
“Energy, finance and community business – where is the money?” (by International Institute for Environment and Development – IIED)
Electricity drives economic development. But many small community-level businesses and smallholder farmers in rural parts of sub-Saharan Africa need more access to affordable energy financing to thrive. This webinar will explore what mechanisms can enable community businesses and farmers to access the financing they need to grow their businesses by using energy productively.
30 November, 1:00 – 3:00 PM CET (7:00 AM EST)
“Climate-Resilient Food Systems: Scaling Digital Services for Smallholder Farmers” (by World Resources Institute – WRI)
Over the past decade there has been a growing number of initiatives providing farmers with climate information services and easy to understand advisories to support the adoption of climate-smart practices aimed to better plan for and manage risks, build resilience, and improve their lives and livelihoods. When done right, Digital Climate Advisory Services (DCAS) can effectively support the sharing of information at scale, strengthen farmers resilience, and offer an effective platform to analyze and combine data from different sources to produce integrated advisories better tailored to the needs of the final users. As the number of and market for these services grow, many key lessons have been learned to support getting to scale efficiently, equitably and effectively…
30 November, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CET
“Nordic Energy: Petroleum and Electricity” (by International Association for Energy Economics)
One characteristic of the Nordic region’s energy profile is its fully integrated electricity market based on mostly hydro power (Norway 100 % hydro) and nuclear (Sweden and Finland), which makes emission cuts in the sector challenging. To achieve national emissions goals, cuts in other sectors have to be proportionally tougher. The other main characteristic of Nordic energy is that Norway is a major petroleum producer and exporter. After 50 years of off-shore production, Norway’s production has yet to peak, not least owing to high natural gas export. During the webinar invited experts will discuss these questions and beyond.
1 – 3 December
“En Route to COP26: A high-level event to drive action for zero-emission transport now” (by GIZ, SLOCAT Partnership, ITDP, World Resources Institute – WRI, Transport Decarbonisation Alliance and other co-organisers)
Five years after the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, transport emissions are still rising. Transitioning to zero-carbon transport worldwide is essential to keep climate change in check, literally clear the air, and support human health and healthy economies. Scheduled to mark 12 months before the postponed United Nations Climate Conference under the UK Presidency, “En Route to COP26” will put the key players – policy-makers, transport experts, corporate decision-makers, planners, and entrepreneurs – in the same virtual room to collaborate on driving action for zero-carbon transport now. Register here.
1 December, 9:00 – 10:00 AM CET
“Getting ready for the plastic stewardship guidelines” (by 3R Initiative, Quantis, EA and South Pole)
Join the this online conversation on how you can prepare to hit the ground running upon the release of new plastic footprinting and waste reduction guidelines early next year. Understand the milestones you’ll cross as you set out on your stewardship journey. Anticipate questions you’ll hear and challenges you may encounter within your organization. Learn how to build the case to the C-suite about the importance of this work, and earn their commitment to allocating resources that will help your organization make an impact with its plastic stewardship.
1 December, 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM CET
“Aviation & Covid: towards a green recovery?” (by Transport & Environment and Carbon Market Watch)
The sector, a major source of greenhouse gas pollution, has been largely shielded from climate-related regulations but this situation might shift over the coming months. As part of its Green Deal agenda, the European Union will soon review major climate policies covering aviation, such as the EU carbon market, alternative fuels and the energy taxation directive. Carbon Market Watch and Transport & Environment are delighted to invite you to join this discussion with experts and policymakers on ways to ensure that the aviation sector embarks on a more sustainable path and does its share to support a green recovery. See agenda here.
1 December, 1:00 – 3:00 PM CET and 2 December, 1:00 – 3:00 PM CET
“Land Accelerator South Asia Demo Day” (by World Resources Institute – WRI and Sangam Ventures)
Entrepreneurs throughout South Asia are looking toward the land, which has suffered from decades of degradation. Their mission is to heal this damage and build strong rural economies. Hear from top companies from around India and Sri Lanka whose businesses are profitable, solving problems of local communities at scale, and restoring land using finance-appropriate models.
1 December, 2:00 – 3:30 PM CET
“Sustainable Living 1.5: Empowering people to live better and lighter” (by Green Growth Knowledge Platform)
How can we upscale sustainable consumption and production in the COVID-19 era? How can the ingenuity of youth be harnessed to to create new green business models? During the webinar panelists will delve into the difficult conversations we need to have around the government context we need to build back better, and the new business models needed to make healthy, sustainable living a reality for all.
1 December, 3:00 – 3:30 PM CET
“Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Global experience and best practices” (by International Renewable Energy Agency – IRENA)
This webinar will present IRENA’s new report ‘Scenarios for the Energy Transition: Global experience and best practices’, which showcases efforts from governments and technical institutions worldwide to improve the use and development of long-term energy scenarios to guide national policy-making towards the clean energy transition. The webinar will also introduce IRENA’s Long-Term Energy Scenarios (LTES) Network, a global platform for energy planners to share their experience and good practices in the use and development of LTES. The LTES Network is open to all IRENA member states with established planning processes.
1 December, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CET
“Identifying the vulnerable: energy and transport poverty and beyond” (by Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions – CREDS)
Extensive and rapid decarbonization of both energy and transport systems is essential if we are to address climate change. At the same time, it is widely acknowledged that decarbonization should avoid worsening inequality and protect the interests of the ‘most vulnerable’ and disadvantaged in society. This means alleviating rather than unintentionally exacerbating energy poverty and transport poverty, ensuring that everyone can access and use the energy and transport services they need to participate in society. But this raises the questions: Who are the ‘most vulnerable’ in society, in terms of energy and transport poverty? And how might these vulnerabilities be impacted by low-carbon transitions?
1 December, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CET (10:00 AM EST)
“Adaptation Principles: New Approaches to Building Resilience” (by World Resources Institute – WRI)
How can governments help people, communities and firms manage the risks of climate change? What are the key policies to support governments to address residual risk from natural disasters or manage the macro-fiscal risks posed by a changing climate? How can they ensure critical infrastructure is protected when natural disasters strike? And how can countries fully integrate adaptation into their development strategies? Join this virtual discussion that covers universal approaches to climate change adaptation, drawing on key findings from a new World Bank report “The Adaptation Principles: A Guide for Designing Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience”.
1 December, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CET (10:00 AM EST)
“Unearthing potential: The future of US geothermal” (by Atlantic Council)
While intermittent solar and wind have expanded rapidly across the United States, vast baseload geothermal resources remain almost entirely untapped, with less than 1 percent of total US geothermal electricity potential estimated to have been exploited. Listen to US and Icelandic experts discussing the future of geothermal energy in the United States and the policy mechanisms and technologies that could facilitate geothermal development across the country.
1 December, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CET
“Going Greener: Green Public Procurement for Natural Gas, Cement, and Steel” (by Resources for the Future – RFF)
The industrial sector is responsible for 33 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; of that, natural gas, cement, and iron and steel represent a large share. As governments around the world increasingly focus on finding products that are more environmentally sustainable, sourcing “green” industrial materials and fossil fuels has become a growing priority. A recent report by Resources for the Future explores how green procurement programs for these products—natural gas, cement, and iron and steel—can be designed to encourage industry participation and lower carbon footprints.
1 December, 4:00 – 5:30 PM CET
“Global Status of Carbon Capture and Storage Report 2020: Launch Event” (by Global CCS Institute)
Join official launch the Global Status of CCS Report. The Report demonstrates the vital role of carbon capture and storage technologies (CCS) in reducing emissions to net-zero by 2050 as well as documenting the current status and important milestones for the technology over the past 12 months. During the event, attendees will also hear from a wide range of leaders and influencers from across climate change, energy, academia, finance and CCS.
1 December, 5:00 – 6:00 PM CET (11:00 AM EST)
“Energy Policy under the Biden Administration” (by United States Association for Energy Economics)
Energy market participants — both energy industries and large-scale energy users — identify energy policy as a key element framing the investment environment in the near to long-term future. The incoming Biden administration has a well-publicized plan for the direction of its energy and climate policy, and the transition team has already begun its work. But the new administration is likely to face a congress that continues to be divided along old party lines. Which parts of the Biden energy and climate policy could be possible to implement? Which parts could become a durable policy? Do we expect these changes to substantially impact the energy investment environment? What do energy industry participants expect?
1 December, 5:00 – 7:00 PM CET
“Net Zero and beyond: creating a carbon storage market” (by Oxford Energy Network)
Following 25 years of failure and avoiding the problem, corporations with global leadership are now seeking engineered and technology solutions. European oil companies are choosing between change or extinction. And the UK has started on an unprecedented journey to build a carbon capture and storage network in each industrial region. However, none of this is enough to succeed, unless a compulsory new market in carbon storage can ensure that one tonne of carbon extracted is balanced by one tonne of carbon recaptured and stored. This event’s speaker, Professor Stuart Haszeldine, will explain the basics of carbon capture and storage, its applications to climate change mitigation, why nature based solutions are good, but insufficient, compared to a portfolio of negative emissions technologies.
1 December, 7:30 – 8:30 PM CET (1:30 PM EST)
“Transforming the Financial System for a Zero-Carbon Future” (by The New York Times Climate Hub)
Traditionally, investors have had one duty – to make the greatest possible return on capital for their shareholders. It’s an outdated model that’s brought us to the brink of climate disaster, and we need a new way of understanding value and returns that looks beyond the short-term and drives resources towards scalable solutions. There are trillions of dollars in so-called ‘green’ funds, but how do we fundamentally redesign financial markets to make responsible, climate-focused investing the rule rather than the exception?
2 December, 10:00 – 11:30 AM CET
“Selecting the Right Nature-Based Solution in the Right Place” (by GrowGreen)
Many nature-based solutions (NBS) can be used to solve urban challenges and each one offers different co-benefits and can be used in different contexts. They can be used alone, in combination, or integrated with grey infrastructure. Matching the solutions to the problems experienced in a particular place can be challenging. This short webinar is an introduction to resources developed by the GrowGreen and Ignition projects to support decision makers, planners, businesses and others in comparing green and grey options to use the right solutions in the right place for the right problem.
2 December, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM CET
“Central European Day of Energy 2020” (by Central Europe Energy Partners – CEEP and European Commission DG Energy)
The 5th edition of the event will focus on offshore wind development in Central Europe, particularly in the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas. The offshore wind sector grows rapidly, as new solutions for installations in deeper waters become available. Regional differences in potential, administrative procedures and public support are of importance to take into consideration. The event is a place to take a closer look at all the aspects of offshore wind business in Central Europe and discuss different solutions.
2 December, 12:30 – 2:30 PM CET (4:00 PM IST)
“Green, Equitable, Inclusive: Redefining Public Spaces” (by World Resources Institute – WRI)
Cities face unprecedented pressure to protect the health of their residents, provide access to outdoor green spaces, and address social disparities. At the same time, cities are facing rising costs from climate change, a global economic downturn and the prospect of tight municipal budgets. This event will showcase the city of Kochi’s (Kerala, India) efforts to redesign and expand public spaces through several projects influenced by policies and practices that incorporate greening strategies, engaging stakeholders, building resilience, and addressing public health concerns both during and post COVID-19.
2 December, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CET
“Building Urban Water Resilience in Africa” (by World Resources Institute – WRI and Global Commission on Adaptation)
WRI’s Africa Urban Water Resilience Initiative is hosting an essential discussion on how to advance urban water resilience, achieve sustainable and equitable access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and provide long-term water security. Experts from WRI, as well as thought leaders in Africa working on WASH, water security, and climate change will discuss big shifts that are required to advance urban water resilience, key opportunities to elevate investments in water resilience in COVID-19 stimulus packages, and how to raise political ambition to provide access to affordable, safe, and sustainable water and sanitation for the urban poor.
2 December, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CET
“Agenda 2030 at the Local level – Climate mitigation and adaptation” (by Nordregio)
How to adapt cities, towns and villages to changing climate conditions. How can we replicate and scale up the most successful climate adaptation and mitigation solutions? This webinar will showcase Nordic examples like the small municipality Ii in Northern Finland with mayor presenting their climate work. Another expert of the Association of Finnish Municipalities will share insights on supporting municipalities at different stages. And a climate advisor from the Municipality of Oslo will present obstacles and achievements in reaching the climate targets in Oslo. The event is the first in a series of webinars on “Taking the 2030 Agenda to the local level: How to reach the goals and measure success in municipalities and regions?”
2 December, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CET
“Carbon Leakage and Deep Decarbonisation” (by Florence School of Regulation – FSR)
This webinar aims to present the International Carbon Action Partnership’s report “Carbon Leakage and Deep Decarbonization: Future-proofing Carbon Leakage Protection” through a conversation with one of the authors, Christopher Kardish. The report provides a review of current efforts to assess the risk of carbon leakage and address it with relevant policies to strengthen decarbonization efforts in light of net-zero emissions targets.
2 December, 3:30 – 4:30 PM CET (9:30 AM EST)
“Land Use Transportation Interactions for Pedestrian Mobility” (by Industrial Liason Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT)
City governments and planners alike commonly seek to increase pedestrian activity on city streets as part of broader sustainability, community building and economic development strategies. Most practitioners still lack methods and tools for predicting how development proposals could impact pedestrian activity on specific streets or public spaces at different times of the day. Cities typically require traffic impact assessments, but not pedestrian impact assessments. In this presentation, you will learn about a methodology for estimating pedestrian trip generation and distribution between detailed origins and destinations in both existing and planned built environments. The methodology’s application will be demonstrated for the cities of Cambridge, MA and Melbourne, Australia.
2 December, 4:00 – 5:30 PM or 3 December, 9:30 – 11:00 AM CET
“Natural Capital Approaches for Biodiversity Policy” (by Natural Capital Coalition)
In collaboration with many partners, the Coalition has developed a new narrative publication featuring more than 60 best practices for how natural capital approaches can help to inform biodiversity policy and support mainstreaming of biodiversity to achieve the ambitions of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. These repeat webinars will introduce the publication “Natural capital for biodiversity policy: what, why and how”, showcase inspiring examples of natural capital approaches by governments around the world, and launch the consultation on its draft.
2 December, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CET (12:00 PM EST)
“Food system sustainability in 2021 and beyond” (by Atlantic Council)
This event will continue the series of conversations centered on food insecurity as millions of Americans continue to go hungry and famine strikes many areas across the world. During the webinar, panelists will highlight what they believe should be agriculture and food systems priorities in 2021 and beyond.
2 December, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CET (2:00 PM EST)
“Mining Technologies: Dry Processes” (by Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT)
Sustainable and scalable processes in mining and metal transformation are key to responding to the climate change challenges of the 21stcentury. Join MIT researchers and MIT spun-out startups to hear the latest research on Resources Extraction Technologies, and what future trends we can expect in the metal processing industry.
3 – 4 December
“Virtual Summit on the Just Transition” (by Slycan Trust)
This event focuses on the topic of just transition in the energy and food sectors as well as cross-cutting themes such as gender, social protection, inclusion, research, and skills development. With 5 sessions and the contribution of over 20 leading organisations working on climate change, the virtual summit invites you to participate, engage, and share your experiences on just transition to a climate-resilient and low carbon economy. Register here.
3 December, 9:00 – 10:30 AM or 2:00 – 3:30 PM CET
“Post 2020 Local and Subnational Government Information” (by ICLEI)
Join ICLEI’s Cities Biodiversity Center for this Post 2020 information series, with monthly webinars to keep the local and subnational government constituency, networks, and partners up to date on key milestones and the participatory preparation process of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework on the roadmap to COP 26. Register here (9:00 AM session) or here (2:00 PM session).
3 December, 11:00 – 11:45 AM CET
“Launch of Energy Efficiency 2020 Report” (by International Energy Agency – IEA)
Energy Efficiency 2020 is the latest edition of the IEA’s annual update on global developments in energy efficiency. Through analysis of data, policies and technologies, it provides a comprehensive view of energy efficiency trends worldwide. Energy efficiency plays an essential role in accelerating clean energy transitions and achieving global climate goals. This year’s report focuses on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on energy efficiency and global energy markets this year, as well as analysis of 2019 trends.
3 December, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CET (3:30 PM IST)
“Role of Carbon in Nature-based Solutions: An opportunity to be explored” (by The Energy and Resources Institute – TERI)
The webinar seeks to understand diverse set of nature-based solutions along with their cost effectiveness, policy implications & overall approach that may be deployed in order to reduce the emissions gap. The key focus areas for deliberation include improved land use and watershed management, low-emissions agriculture, agro-forestry, and ecosystem conservation and restoration. It is envisaged that the deliberations will result in strategizing implementation of NbS to move towards a low carbon path and implementation of a Carbon Neutrality Policy at national and state level.
3 December, 12:30 – 1:30 PM CET
“The role of air circulation and cooling demand for planning universal household electrification in sub-Saharan Africa” (by Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro‐Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici)
Nearly one billion people live without electricity at home. Energy poverty prevents households from taking several autonomous adaptation actions, a key one being indoor thermal comfort decisions. It is therefore crucial that electricity infrastructure planners explicitly consider air circulation and cooling (ACC) needs of energy-poor households on top of other basic energy services. Researchers combined socio-economic, demographic, satellite, and CMIP6 climate data modelling and scenario analysis to produce spatially-explicit estimates of current and future ACC demand due to the lack of electricity access in sub-Saharan Africa, the global hotspot of energy poverty. They linked these estimates into a bottom-up electrification model to evaluate the impact of ACC appliances adoption, climate change and other related factors on optimal electrification planning. The results call for a greater consideration of adaptation needs in the planning of energy systems of developing countries. Register here.
3 December, 1:00 – 2:30 PM CET
“Nature-Based Solutions: Green Infrastructures for Sustainable Wastewater Management” (by UNEP and Global Wastewater Initiative)
In this webinar, three panelists will discuss nature-based solutions (NbS), their role and contribution to enhancing wastewater reuse and address land-based pollution. The panelists will also present and discuss examples of nature-based solutions from the field and propose recommendations for sustainable wastewater management with the help of nature. Register here.
3 December, 1:30 – 5:00 PM CET
“EPRA Virtual Sustainability Summit” (by European Public Real Estate Association – EPRA)
Join us virtually for an insightful afternoon and watch a series of online sessions dedicated to ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) in real estate. Speakers will explore together the sustainability challenges of the industry amid the current global outlook. Register here.
3 December, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CET
“Hydrogen technologies and costs: findings from the FSR study” (by Florence School of Regulation – FSR)
FSR has just released a major study examining the main drivers required to ensure a cost-effective decarbonisation energy policy for the EU, as well as a ‘Policy Brief’ on the future Guarantees of Origin system to regulate the EU’s future Energy Sector Integration based market. The study has as its primary focus the policies needed to guarantee the achievement of the Green Deal objectives. In this online event, we will present the study and the policy brief, as well as discuss the main conclusions with the audience online. Register here.
3 December, 2:00 – 3:30 PM CET (8:00 AM EST)
“Biodiversity Policy: An EU-US Virtual Dialogue” (by World Resources Institute – WRI and Delegation of the European Union to the United States)
The event will provide an opportunity for exchange and discussion about the respective EU and U.S. priorities and ambitions on biodiversity conservation, bearing in mind the recently released EU Biodiversity Strategy, the outcomes of the UN Biodiversity Summit, and the sobering conclusions of the recently-released UNEP-CBD Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 as well as the WWF Living Planet 2020 Report. The event aims to give the European Commission and the U.S. Department of State opportunity to share an overview over their work at the domestic and international level to promote biodiversity conservation. Register here.
3 December, 2:00 – 3:30 PM CET
“Maximising the Impact of Appliance Efficiency Policy with Digital Tools” (by International Energy Agency – IEA)
As governments work to improve the efficiency of their economies and encourage consumers and businesses to invest in more efficient appliances and equipment, they need timely information on the evolution of their appliance markets. Innovative tools can leverage big data and advanced algorithms to provide governments with a more detailed picture of appliance markets and key insights on purchasing decisions for more effective policy design in a cost effective and timely way… Register here.
3 December, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CET
“Water for Food Security, Nutrition, and Social Justice” (by Oxford Water Network)
This seminar will demonstrate that without access to safe water there can be no food security and nutrition. It will explore alternative and more locally appropriate ways to address complex water management and governance challenges from the local to global levels against a backdrop of growing climate and other related uncertainties. It will argue for the need to improve policy coherence across water, land and food and for strengthening the human rights to water and food to ensure healthy and productive lives and a climate resilient future for all.
3 December, 3:00 – 4:15 PM CET
“Agribusiness & the Sustainable Development Goals: How do we rethink financial mechanisms to align agribusiness to the SDGs?” (by Climate Action)
Agriculture is facing multiple challenges – meeting global food security; a growing population with changing diets; a leveling off of crop yields; dwindling natural resources and biodiversity – all whilst managing the increasing threats of climate change. Meeting all these challenges will require a significant increase in the access and availability of capital for climate-smart investment across agri-value chains. Join this virtual discussion to examine how innovative financing mechanisms can be used to achieve the joint objectives of development, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change to align global agribusiness with the UN SDGs. Register here.
3 December, 7:00 – 8:00 PM CET
“The Impact of Policies and Business Models on Income Equity in Rooftop Solar Adoption” (by Clean Energy States Alliance)
Low- and moderate-income (LMI) households are less likely to adopt rooftop solar than higher income households in the US. Some state policy interventions and business models have expanded solar adoption among LMI households, however. New research by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) finds evidence that LMI-specific financial incentives, solar leasing, and property-assessed financing have increased the diffusion of solar adoption among LMI households in existing markets and have driven more installations into previously under-served low-income communities. On this webinar LBNL researchers will share their findings about the impact of these interventions on solar adoption in low-income communities. Register here.
3 December, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CET (2:00 PM EST)
“Forests: Our First Line of Defense Against Disease” (by World Wildlife Fund – WWF)
There is a clear link between human health and the health of the natural world. Healthy forests play a key role in keeping us protected against the dangers of infectious diseases like malaria, Lyme disease, and noncommunicable diseases such as heart disease. In fact, almost all aspects of human health depend on a thriving natural world. From fresh air, clean water, and food to energy, medicines, and materials, nature is vital to our survival and well-being. Join us to hear from Annika Terrana, WWF manager for forests, about how forests are inextricably linked to safeguarding human health and how those connections are critical to stopping the next pandemic before it starts. Register here.
4 December, 1:00 – 2:00 AM CET (3 December, 4:00 PM Pacific Time)
“Challenges and Opportunities in Plastic Recycling and Disposal” (by TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy, Stanford University)
This event is a part of a quarterly lecture series where you will hear from industry experts about pressing sustainability challenges so you can apply your expertise and ingenuity to develop solutions that will make an impact. The 2020-21 Tackling Global Challenges speaker series brings in experts who will speak to the sustainability challenges and opportunities that exist around plastic manufacturing, recycling, and pollution. This event’s invited industry expert will share his perspectives on plastic end-of-use options, the plastic pollution crisis, and where he sees opportunities for researchers and entrepreneurs to make an impact. Register here.
4 December, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM CET
“Race to Zero: Bolstering whole of society engagement for climate neutrality and sustainable recovery” (by EESC and German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik – DIE)
This event marks the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement and brings together the EU Institutions, the COP26 UK Presidency, the High-Level Climate Champions and key climate actors to discuss opportunities to strengthen engagement and climate action. Following a high-level opening plenary, participants will join break-out sessions to discuss with leading experts the following themes: (1) Mobilizing non-state and subnational actors for EU climate neutrality, (2) Strengthening youth voices: engaging the underrepresented/affected, (3) When climate action bites: conflicts between sustainable development and climate goals and the need for a ‘race for resilience’, (4) Strengthening climate action through the COVID-19 crisis response: finance, technology and capacity. View the event programme here and register here.
4 December, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CET
“Indicators to assess the impacts of nature-based solutions” (by ICLEI Europe and Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies)
In this online seminar, participants will learn about indicators for assessing nature-based solutions (NBS) impacts in cities, hear on the application of NBS indicators in Glasgow (Scotland) and citizens’ geo survey in Tbilisi (Georgia).
4 December, 2:00 – 3:30 PM CET
“The impact of the EU methane strategy on the natural gas market” (by Florence School of Regulation – FSR and Environmental Defense Fund)
The question leading this online event is how to incentivise the methane emissions reductions from the whole natural gas value chain. The international action on methane emissions features prominently in the EU strategy to reduce methane emissions. Despite the fact that the EU accounts for a small share of global methane emissions, it has a significant leverage as the largest importer of oil and gas to advocate for robust monitoring and mitigation of methane emissions… Register here.
4 December, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CET
“Energy Transition: Fact or Fiction?” (by International Association for Energy Economics)
There has been huge interest in the Energy Transition among academic and policy circles. The adoption of the “net zero carbon emissions by 2050” policy objective by the EU and the UK (and possibly by an in-coming Biden administration) as well as by leading oil and gas companies in Europe have raised issues of the Energy Transition to near universal attention among professional energy economists as well as policy makers, environmental organizations and multilateral agencies. What has been lacking in the many discussions and papers published on the subject is a proper appreciation of the scientific and technological constraints to the Energy Transition and the economic costs of policy proposals for its execution at a macro level. During the webinar, you will hear from two distinguished experts whose published work is uniquely qualified to set the context for discussing the energy transition from the perspective of technical and economic feasibility. Register here.
4 December, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CET (10:00 AM EST)
“The challenges and opportunities of Poland’s energy transition” (by Atlantic Council Global Energy Center)
Join this virtual fireside chat with Michał Kurtyka, Poland’s first Minister of Climate and Environment. This conversation will focus on the challenges and opportunities of Poland’s energy transition and the pathways towards meeting the Paris Agreement targets. The speakers will also discuss how clean energy technologies can drive the economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.
4 December, 5:00 – 6:30 PM CET
“Forest Biomass Estimation from space – new estimates, current challenges, and future opportunities” (by Oxford Centre for Tropical Forests)
Despite the well appreciated importance of forests in the global carbon cycle, we still do not know how much carbon is stored in Earth’s forests as aboveground biomass, nor how it is spatially distributed. These estimates are crucial for constraining climate models, increasing our understanding of the global carbon cycle, and improving forest management to better mitigate climate change. New satellite missions have been designed specifically to fill this critical carbon knowledge gap, and the first of this next generation is NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), which is currently collecting lidar data from the International Space Station… Join the webinar to find out more.
4 December, 6:00 – 7:30 PM CET
“Transforming the Heating and Cooling Sector” (by International Solar Energy Society – ISES)
This event provides overviews of solar thermal and other technologies to meet the heating requirements of industry and the heating and cooling requirements of communities and buildings. Register here.
6 – 12 December
“3rd Annual Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival” (by European Commission)
How is democracy changing? How can citizens participate in this change? These are the themes of the 3rd Annual Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival. The global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted societal and policy challenges amid uncertainty. People need solutions that go beyond business-as-usual policy. Open to all, the festival is the chance for people of diverse backgrounds to gather and tackle some of the pressing issues of our time. Check the details, agenda and how to register here.