A flourishing environment or thriving agriculture? Expanding power grid capacity with energy storage. Climate leadership and action from European, Japanese, Korean and Australian cities and regions. Climate change and early warning for climate action. How to set ambitious corporate targets and accelerate integration of the sustainable development goals. How artificial intelligence can boost solar PV performance. Find out about these and more online events of the week!
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27 July, 7:30 – 8:30 AM CEST (11:00 AM IST)
“Assessing COVID-19 impacts and the stimulus needs for India’s power sector” (by Council on Energy, Environment and Water – CEEW and International Institute for Sustainable Development – IISD)
The webinar will feature insights from IISD’s Energy Policy Tracker. You will hear about key policy imperatives from countries across the world and delve into India’s power sector, which has remained the bulwark of the transition in India. Speakers will explore the role coal will play in the power system, how we can wean away from dependence on more coal, and understand the challenges in providing livelihoods for those dependent on coal. Insights from this session would be useful to policymakers, analysts, and other stakeholders interested in the power sector in India and globally. Register here.
27 July, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Arab Cities & COVID-19: Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response” (by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)
The main objective of the webinar is to discuss the lessons learned in responding to COVID-19 by Arab cities and facilitate a city-to-city exchange among local governments on effective emergency preparedness and response that is sensitive to biological hazards. The webinar will discuss the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic, context-specific and rapid rescue measures taken by cities to protect vulnerable populations and sustain the provision of basic services and how these measures can help build back better and promote cities’ long-term resilience. Register here.
27 July, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CEST
“E-Environment: Climate Change and Early Warning for Climate Action” (by World Meteorological Organisation – WMO and International Telecommunication Union)
Persisting droughts, marine ecosystem degradation, species extinction, forced displacement and increasing exposure to deadly heat waves are only a few examples of the challenges that many around the world are already beginning to face. So, how can we anticipate risks and get prepared? This panel will address how information and communications technologies and education can provide innovative solutions for climate action. Register here.
27 July, 1:00 – 2:45 PM CEST
“Discussions on Science for the Sustainable Development Goal No.7: Affordable and Clean Energy” (by University of Sussex, University College London the UNDP)
Energy experts are invited to contribute to 15 minute discussions on research published in relation to SDG7 (Affordable, Clean Energy) with data analysts. STRINGS (a collaboration between University of Sussex, UCL, the UNDP and other institutions around the world) is developing a tool to map all publications relating to the Sustainable Development Goals. On 23, 24 & 27 July 2020 the researchers are running a virtual event, where data analysts and energy experts will collaborate to design the tool. On 27th July you can attend a longer session with presentation and discussion of the output emerging from the three days work. By taking part, you will have the chance to make an invaluable contribution to SDG related research. Register here.
27 July, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST (9:00 AM EST)
“Towards Urban Economic Vibrancy: Practices and Patterns of Asia’s New Cities” (by Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT)
Complicating complex global innovation trends and demanding unparalleled response from governments and organizations alike. As China and other affected Asian nations have been fighting the pandemic, forward-looking collaborations in technology development and innovation are more important than ever. Register here.
27 July, 3:30 – 4:30 PM CEST (9:30 AM EST)
“How to Set Ambitious Corporate Targets and Accelerate Integration of the 17 SDGs: Session 1” (by UN Global Compact)
Discover how SDG Ambition can help your company move beyond incremental progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and step-up transformative change — unlocking business value, building business resilience, and enabling long-term growth. With the deadline of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development fast approaching, urgent and ambitious action is needed in order to achieve the Global Goals.
27 July, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“Offshore wind: Unlocking potential for a green stimulus” (by Atlantic Council Global Energy Center)
Offshore wind, one of the fastest growing energy industries in the United States, is poised to play a dramatic role in decarbonizing the US power grid. With proper political and financial capital, energy generated offshore could provide power to both coastal as well as inland areas across the United States to the benefit of local communities and the planet at large. As the industry grows, how can public and private actors across the country work together to accelerate offshore wind development? What financing and policy mechanism at the federal, state, and local level exist to expand and bolster the industry? If all the pieces fall into place, what role could offshore wind ultimately play in shaping the post-pandemic clean energy future?
27 July, 5:00 – 6:00 PM CEST
“Large Scale Battery Energy Storage Safety: Trends & Standards” (by PV Magazine)
As battery energy storage technologies assume a bigger role in the global transition to renewable energy, the importance of developing and operating a safe system is paramount. In this webinar experts will look at current safety trends in battery energy storage system design and installation, along with a review of relevant safety standards in the U.S. The speakers will also be touching on trends in the safety of system design, integration, and installation, before looking at existing safety standards in the United States.
28 – 29 July
“Virtual Workshop on designing legal frameworks for transboundary water cooperation” (by UNECE)
The workshop on legal frameworks for transboundary water cooperation will be especially tailored to assist countries and/or other relevant stakeholders in the design and drafting of agreements or other arrangements. With a view to supporting the preparation of a checklist on developing legal frameworks for transboundary water cooperation, the workshop will take stock of existing experience worldwide with drafting and design, it will explore common challenges and gather lessons learned.
28 July, 2:30 – 3:30 AM CEST (27 July, 8:30 PM EST)
“Keeling Curve Prize Awards Ceremony” (by Keeling Curve Prize)
Around the world, inspiring individuals and pioneering organizations are creating the climate solutions we need. Each year at the Global Warming Mitigation Project, $25,000 USD is awarded to ten of the most groundbreaking climate solutions worldwide. This year we’re the event will be virtual, featuring prize-winning author Bill McKibben, renowned Chef José Andrés, intersectional eco-communicator “Green Girl” Leah Thomas, TIME correspondent Justin Worland, and businesswoman and environmentalist Julia Jackson, hosted by CBS’s Jeff Berardelli and supermodel and activist Amber Valletta.
28 July, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CEST
“E-Environment: E-waste recycling” (by United Nations Environment Programme – UNEP and International Telecommunication Union)
Details about the event are not yet available.
28 July, 1:30 – 2:30 PM CEST
“It’s Closing Time: the cost of retiring long-lived oil and gas infrastructure and the financial solutions available” (by Carbon Tracker Initiative)
This webinar explores the topics of stranded assets, stranded liabilities, global decommissioning liabilities and the alternatives. Carbon Tracker pioneered work on the oil and gas industry’s “stranded assets”; as investors increasingly ask whether oil demand is or will soon be in terminal decline, attention is turning to the flipside of stranded assets – “stranded liabilities”…
28 July, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CEST
“Understand your losses: How can artificial intelligence boost solar PV performance” (by Green Power Global)
In 2022, it’s estimated that $22 billion could be lost from preventable technical underperformance issues from solar PV and wind power generation. Whilst wind projects are levering data to address asset performance issues, solar solutions appears to be trailing behind. So how can artificial intelligence prevent losses and enhance PV performance? Join this webinar, which will reveal a cutting-edge AI research project by global project developers along with AI experts. Register here.
28 July, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CEST
“The importance of gender equality in a time of crisis: How do we move from theory to action?” (by ICLEI Africa and Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa)
Join the webinar with experts and city leaders to discuss ways on how to move from theory to action, through mainstreaming gender into city planning, identifying needs in Africa and key mechanisms for success as well as recommendations to further strengthen the role of women, repositioning them beyond ‘vulnerable and beneficiaries’ of climate actions and instead rightfully recognise them as agents of change and drivers of solutions.
28 July, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CEST
“A regional deep dive on Africa’s energy transformation” (by SIEMENS Energy)
Urbanization, scarce resources, and climate change: wherever we look, global challenges are spurring a demand for increasingly efficiency power generation products, solutions and services. In this webinar, speakers will present company’s view on current power generation trends and drivers in Africa’s key regions. They will also address the much-needed progress in transforming the existing infrastructure in Maghreb, West-Central Africa, Southern Africa and Nigeria. Power generation experts for these regions will reflect the current regional situation and will discuss solutions to drive energy transformation and the right setting of forward-thinking power generation in Africa.
28 July, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST (9:00 AM EST)
“Heat in the City” (by Global Heat Health Information Network)
This onlin dialogue includes updates from a panel of five experts and practitioners on the state of the practice of increasing resilience to extreme heat across the world from their diverse perspectives of governance, planning, design, and vulnerable populations, and a facilitated panel discussion.
28 July, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“A Final Stand on Nord Stream 2?” (by Center for European Policy Analysis – CEPA and Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center)
Join this online discussion on the latest U.S. actions against Nord Stream 2 to consider: what does the U.S. Administration hope to achieve; how would the completion of Nord Stream 2 and the blocking of the project by sanctions affect the transatlantic relationship; and how can allies work together to prevent the completion of the pipeline?
28 July, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“Energy Market Update: The (Bumpy) Road to Recovery” (by Schneider Electric)
It’s been 100 days since we’ve seen the most extreme effects of the pandemic’s disruption of oil markets. SE’s experts will take a look back at why oil markets rebounded, what that recovery means for other key economic indicators and who benefits. Then, they’ll look ahead to where markets go from here and how to prepare your organization for the potential risks – and rewards – ahead.
28 July, 5:00 – 6:00 PM CEST (11:00 AM EST)
“The role of hydrogen in future low-carbon energy systems: Insights from systems modeling” (by MIT Energy Initiative)
Join the webinar to find out how the hydrogen economy could become a cost-competitive way of decarbonising not only power generation, but also industries that can’t easily be electrified, such as industrial applications and heavy transport.
29 July, 1:00 – 2:00 AM CEST (28 July, 7:00 PM EST)
“Beating the Climate Crisis” (by Neighbours for the Planet, Canada)
Evidence of the climate crisis is all around us. From raging wildfires, to melting glaciers, to severe weather events and rising sea levels, we are all affected. The solutions are at hand. Join experts from Neighbours for the Planet for a slide presentation to learn more about the climate crisis and solutions. And most importantly, what you can do to help.
29 July, 10:00 – 11:00 AM CEST
“Water to Energy – Readiness of the South African water to energy market” (by WRC)
Global reports approximated that the waste to energy market value at US$28.4 billion in towards and will increase to US$42.7 billion in 2025. However, implementation of these solutions in a South African context has been limited despite the opportunities inherently available in the water sector. As an example, wastewater contains over 50% of waste resources that is either lost on unrecovered as materials, energy or water, yet this opportunity has not been taken up. Register here.
29 July, 12:30 – 2:00 PM CEST (4:00 PM IST)
“RE-financing India’s energy transition: Barriers and solutions” (by Council on Energy, Environment and Water – CEEW)
India’s energy transition dream relies on the country achieving its target of 450 GW of renewable installations by 2030. The financing or refinancing of this transition is expected to be a significant barrier to realising the stated ambitions. It will cost about USD 200 billion to set up the generation capacity alone. The webinar will highlight the key risks and critical interventions needed to finance the energy transition. These insights would be valuable to policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders interested in the world’s biggest RE programme. Register here.
29 July, 12:45 – 1:45 PM CEST
“A flourishing environment or thriving agriculture?” (by Land Management 2.0)
Do ever tightening environmental demands mean that higher agricultural output is constrained and that compromises in water allocation need to be made? Are there already innovative exemplars in England or are people finding it difficult to balance the two? What opportunities and incentives are there currently, or available in the future, and how effective will these be?
29 July, 1:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“8th Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment – Europe and Central Asia” (by UNFCCC)
Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) denotes work under Article 6 of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement and their six elements: Climate Change Education, Training, Public Awareness, Public Access to Information, Public Participation, and International Cooperation on these issues. Implementation of all six elements has increasingly been recognized as crucial in solving the complex challenges presented by climate change. This is also reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals to which the ACE agenda is closely related.
The 8th Dialogue will be open for participation by Parties, representatives of relevant bodies established under the Convention, relevant experts, practitioners, and stakeholders. The objective of the Dialogue is to provide a forum for Parties and other non-Party stakeholders to advance the discussions on recommendations and views on future work to enhance implementation of ACE. Register here.
29 July, 2:00 – 3:15 PM CEST
“Climate Technologies: From needs to implementation” (by UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee)
In this online event, the Technology Executive Committee will launch three publications related to its areas of work, aimed to support countries in implementing the Paris Agreement: 1) Brief on ‘Enhancing implementation of the results of the technology needs assessment’, 2) Publication on ‘Innovative approaches to accelerating and scaling up climate technology implementation for mitigation and adaptation’, 3) Policy brief on technologies for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage in coastal zones. Join the event live here.
29 July, 2:00 – 3:30 PM CEST
“Environment and emergencies: What you need to know in a pandemic context” (by UNEP and UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – OCHA)
The COVID-19 pandemic has only been the latest, very powerful wake-up call on the links between environment and emergencies. Disasters, crises and the environment are intrinsically interconnected. Therefore, a key element of emergency response is the rapid identification and mitigation of environmental risks. Join the event, as a part of a series of webinars, on readiness for and response to the environmental dimensions of emergencies, with a special focus on managing these challenges in the face of COVID-19.
29 July, 3:00 – 4:30 PM CEST
“Transformational change toward low-carbon development in emerging economies: insights from case studies on international climate finance” (by SNAPFI Project, DIW Berlin)
In light of the recent Covid-19 crisis, international climate finance needs to enable a shift to just transitions and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement in developing and emerging economies. This webinar accompanies the publication of a new study on how international climate finance can support transformative change in emerging economies. Twelve in-depth case studies, conducted by partners in Brazil, India, South Africa and Indonesia, as well as from Mexico, Peru, Chile and Thailand, show how change can be brought about. Comparing the cases from energy, land use and energy efficiency sectors points to seven important factors for the design of international climate finance to provide effective support for NDC implementation. Register by Monday, July 27.
29 July, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“How to Set Ambitious Corporate Targets and Accelerate Integration of the 17 SDGs: Session 2” (by UN Global Compact)
Discover how SDG Ambition can help your company move beyond incremental progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and step-up transformative change — unlocking business value, building business resilience, and enabling long-term growth. With the deadline of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development fast approaching, urgent and ambitious action is needed in order to achieve the Global Goals. Register here.
29 July, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“Accelerating the Recovery – Energy Efficiency in Buildings” (by EE Global)
The Accelerating the Recovery webinars – part of webinar series – focus on how prioritizing energy efficiency can contribute to global economic recovery. The series highlights the experience of the SEforAll Energy Efficiency Accelerators in scaling up collaborative public-private program models to improve energy efficiency in various economic sectors.
The first webinar in the series focuses on energy efficiency in buildings. Panelists will discuss opportunities for boosting recovery efforts by leaning into global building retrofit efforts — yielding significant economic, resilience, and climate mitigation benefits.
29 July, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“Earth Observation and the Future of Climate Resilience” (by Innovate4Climate)
With numerous Essential Climate Variables now readily available from satellites – from sea level rise to soil moisture – Earth Observation (EO) has the potential to inform and facilitate climate resilient development around the globe, whether at a strategic level or during project design and implementation. Initiatives such as the EO for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) are helping to break down the barriers to accessing and using EO data in every day decision making, and helping to ensure that development practitioners can make the most robust decisions in the face of an uncertain future. Already, this latter initiative has led to space data being mainstreamed into the decision tools of major International Financial Institutions. This panel brings together a diverse set of voices working at the cutting edge of EO-driven climate resilience. The panel will take stock of the advantages of EO in helping to build resilience in a development context, as well as set consider barriers and limitations yet to be overcome.
29 July, 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST (8:00 AM Costa Rica)
“Introduction to Solar Radiation Modification: Analysis of Potential Benefits and Risks in the Context of Latin America and the Caribbean” (by LEDS LAC Platform)
Current commitments made under the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change are insufficient to keep global warming below 2°C, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), much greater ambition is necessary. In response, scientists and other stakeholders are considering the viability several solar radiation modification (SRM) techniques. These aim to reflect solar radiation (sunlight) back into space or allow more heat to escape Earth’s atmosphere in order to counter some of the effects of climate change by reducing the global temperature.. The webinar will present the principles of stratospheric aerosol injection and marine cloud brightening, two of the main SRM approaches. During the discussion, we will address the potential benefits and risks of SRM, their governance challenges and present the initial findings of ongoing research on the hydrological impacts of SRM in La Plata Basin. Register here.
29 July, 6:30 – 7:30 PM CEST (12:30 PM EST)
“National security and the energy transition: Why US leadership matters” (by Atlantic Council Global Energy Center)
The global health pandemic has disrupted energy markets and investment and has shed light upon the frailty of key supply chains, including those critical to the clean energy transition. While oil markets have been especially hard hit, critical mineral supply chains integral to clean tech manufacturing have also been affected. Expert panelists will discuss the national security implications of the global energy transition in the United States, as well the questions COVID-19 raises regarding US preparedness for that transition.
29 July, 8:00 – 10:00 PM CEST (2:00 PM EST)
“Climate Leadership and Action from European, Japanese, Korean and Australian cities and regions” (by ICLEI)
The webinar aims to highlight climate neutrality leadership and action experiences from political and technical representatives of ICLEI members in Europe, Japan, Korea and Australia. Webinar outcomes will be presented as inputs to Daring Cities 2020 – the Global Virtual Forum on Urban Leaders Taking on Climate Emergency (October 2020), as well as Race-To-Zero November Dialogues.
29 July, 8:30 – 9:30 PM CEST (7:30 PM BST)
“Talking to young people about climate change” (by Centre for Alternative Technology and Zero Carbon Britain)
In the last couple of years we have seen a massive increase in the engagement of children and young people with environmental action. You will hear about the impact this has on young people’s emotional wellbeing as well as anxiety they may feel about climate change, and how we can support young people and talk about climate change in an age-appropriate way.
29 July, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CEST (2:00 PM EST)
“When does long duration energy storage provide the lowest cost of capacity?” (by Highview Power)
This webinar will present a holistic view of how system costs and reliability highlight the benefits of long duration energy storage.
29 July, 9:00 – 10:00 PM CEST (3:00 PM EST)
“New Jersey’s Plan for Achieving 100% Carbon-Neutral Electricity” (by Clean Energy States Alliance U.S. – CESA)
In January 2020, New Jersey Governor released a detailed plan for how the state can achieve 100% clean energy by 2050. In May 2018 an executive order was issued directing the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to convene an Energy Master Plan Committee that would produce a roadmap for meeting the 100% clean energy goal. The resulting New Jersey Energy Master Plan: Pathway to 2050 was produced by multiple state agencies. It “defines ‘100% Clean Energy by 2050’ to mean 100% carbon-neutral electricity generation and maximum transition to electrification of the transportation and building sectors by 2050….”. In this webinar, state representatives and experts will discuss details of the plan, including the strategies for reaching 100% clean energy, and will describe the process the state used for producing the plan.
29 July, 10:00 – 11:00 PM CEST (1:00 PM Pacific Time)
“Water and the COVID-19 Pandemic” (by Pacific Institute)
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the value of water and its connections to human health, while highlighting longstanding water equity, policy, and management deficiencies. There is an urgent need to provide clear messages about these issues and to offer guidance on individual, business, and government actions. Join this webinar to hear key findings and important recommendations from recent research which underscores the importance of considering equity when evaluating the pandemic’s effects on communities, and the urgent need to bolster water resilience in response to a more variable and uncertain future. Register here.
30 July, 12:00 – 1:00 AM CEST (29 July, 6:00 PM EST)
“Building a Better Battery Using Machine Learning” (by Young Professionals in Energy Boston)
The combination of machine learning and material science has the potential to improve energy storage devices’ safety, performance, and prolong their life once deployed in the field. The webinar’s speaker will share the ongoing work to tackle challenges related to the design of battery systems by leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence. A data-driven battery design platform is essential to the deployment of better batteries and renewables.
30 July, 5:30 – 7:00 AM CEST (10:00 AM Myanmar)
“Transforming Food Systems in Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia” (by IIRR, IDRC and CIAT)
This online conference will present ongoing work of various organizations in the region that promote sustainable food systems. These programs include decision-support tools in transforming food systems, integrating nutrition in agriculture programs and engaging value chains.
30 July, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Heat Pumps – Integral in District Heating” (by European Heat Pumps Association – EHPA)
This event is a part of webinar series bringing together the knowledge gained from EHPA’s projects and linking it with likeminded initiatives from outside our organization. Experts will present four innovative projects that are promoting heat pumps in different district heating applications across Europe.
30 July, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Climate services for urban flood risk assessment” (by SaferPLACES, Copernicus Climate Change Service and CMCC)
The webinar will address the modern climate services estimating the pluvial hazard and risk modelling in urban contexts. The SaferPLACES cloud web platform is dedicated to mapping flood hazard and risk in urban areas and supporting climate resilience. It employs simplified digital elevation model-based techniques to estimate flood hazard. The Copernicus C3S takes the approach even further and demonstrates its applicability across 20 European cities. During the webinar, strategies and approaches to model extreme rainfall events and model floods will be shown, also from a perspective of climate change-amplified rainfall intensities.
30 July, 12:00 – 2:00 PM CEST
“Corporate Sourcing of Renewable Energy: India” (by Global Wind Energy Council – GWEC and RE100)
This webcast will highlight the opportunities and challenges for corporate procurement of renewable energy in India. International law firm representative will explain the legal and regulatory frameworks supporting the corporate market in India, including potential barriers for market actors. Experts will also will discuss the on-the-ground reality from the corporate supply-side perspective, unpacking the experience, gaps and upsides for procurement of renewables.
30 July, 12:00 – 1:00 PM CEST
“The Present and Future of Concentrated Solar Power and Thermal Storage from the European Perspective” (by ATA Insights)
How do big objectives announced by the European Commission turn into actionable projects for renewables, storage of hydrogen in the different country members? What programs applying to concentrated solar power (CSP) and thermal storage are currently being discussed in Brussels? How can CSP and thermal storage become a commercial reality in the post-covid scenario? In this webinar, experts look at the present and current status of CSP and thermal storage in the European Commission context from the perspective of ESTELA (the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association), and how CSP and thermal storage relate to other technology avenues and programs.
30 July, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CEST
“Monthly tidal form and tidal characteristics” (by CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change)
In a world of increasing coastal inundation hazard, an understanding of daily through to monthly tidal range patterns is fundamental to resilient coastal management and development practices. In particular, an understanding of fortnightly and monthly tidal envelope characteristic in a tidally-dominated regime can be useful for planning how to mitigate potential inundation events in the mid- to long-term…
30 July, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“Post-crisis resilience in sustainable cities: how to build back better?” (by Climate Chance)
The future of Africa’s urban centres represents a major challenge, particularly in terms of economic and social issues and their vulnerability to climate change. The scenario is complex: population explosion, growing mobility needs, the development of construction in the informal sector, urban sprawl, poverty, health risks, etc. There is therefore an urgent need to bring together all city actors, local authorities, but also economic operators – including developers who are carrying out sustainable city projects in Africa – patrons, associations, researchers, etc. in order to draw up and implement a common roadmap adapted to the needs of the African continent – very relevant today with the Covid-19 crisis. This workshop will pursue the conclusions expressed by the « Development of Sustainable African Cities » Coalition last year during the Climate Chance Summit Africa
30 July, 4:00 – 10:30 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“2020 U.S. Congressional Clean Energy EXPO and Policy Forum” (by Environmental and Energy Study Institute – EESI and House & Senate Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Caucuses)
The 23rd Annual Congressional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EXPO and Policy Forum brings together 24 businesses, trade associations, and government agencies to showcase renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. In every state across the country, these technologies are having a significant impact in business development and job creation in the manufacturing, transmission, power, transportation, and building sectors. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the EXPO will be online-only this year, with an all-day policy forum. Register on the website, watch online here.
30 July, 7:00 – 8:30 PM CEST (1:00 PM EST)
“Expanding Grid Capacity with Energy Storage in Decorah, Iowa” (by Clean Energy States Alliance – CESA)
A new 2.5 MW battery storage project in Decorah, Iowa will boost the capacity of the local electric grid to allow for the addition of more rooftop solar in the community. The project is supported through funding from US DOE Office of Electricity and a state grant from the Iowa Economic Development Authority, and is receiving technical support from Sandia National Laboratories. At present, the Decorah grid does not have sufficient capacity to allow for the addition of many new solar projects in development. Upgrading the grid through traditional poles-and-wires and substation expansions would be twice as expensive as this battery project. Thus, the battery project is expected not only to allow for increased solar integration, but also to produce distribution system investment savings. Additional potential benefits, such as peak demand shaving and other storage applications, will be tested as additional means to reduce customer cost.
31 July, 12:00 – 1:30 PM CEST (3:30 PM IST)
“Plastic Pollution amidst COVID-19: Protector or Polluter” (by TERI)
COVID-19 has sparked a global arms race for personal protective equipment (PPE) as government scramble to protect frontline workers, and citizens protect themselves with these gears. Gloves, masks and other personal PPE are critical for those fighting the pandemic but are also widely used by the public are mostly made of plastics. Still, because they’re not all biomedical wastes and CPCB guidelines stipulate to dispose of these wastes from non-quarantine homes after 72 hours of retention with general waste, a proper management of such huge single-use plastic items remains a challenge. Environmentalists fear negative consequences for wildlife at terrestrial and marine ecosystems if such wastes are not handled properly…
31 July, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST (12:00 PM EST)
“Climate Change, Pregnancy & Mental Health” (by Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health, U.S.)
The health consequences of the climate crisis are widespread, and as they become more manifest, healthcare professionals need to be aware of these impacts and how their patients may be affected. The purpose of this Continuing Medical Education webinar is to provide the much needed education that healthcare professionals are asking for, to help them better treat their patients and their community. This webinar addresses the risk to pregnancy posed by rising temperatures and poor air quality. The second half of this webinar will focus on mental health risk stemming from climate change. Register here.