Carbon neutral cities. Principles for smart heat electrification. Impacts of the current crisis on energy supply and demand. Roles for investors, companies and policymakers in limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. Resilience planning after Covid-19 and climate threats. Lightening our global footprint and how companies can help humanity succeed. Find out about these and more online events of the week!
4 May, 10:00 – 11:30 AM CEST and 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“Sustainability in growth impacted scenarios” (by World Business Council for Sustainable Development)
This interactive session will explore how sustainability can enhance competitiveness in growth impacted scenarios where companies are under pressure to seek cost and resource efficiency, raise productivity and innovate without compromising their competitive advantage. What does this mean for companies both ahead and behind the curve on this journey?
4 May, 12:50 – 2:15 PM CEST
“A European Green Deal for all after COVID-19” (by Institute for European Environmental Policy and Stockholm Environment Institute)
How can we create a sustainable Europe post-COVID-19 that ensures equity within and between countries, and between generations? Join government representatives and researchers to discuss a Green Deal for all. The keynote speaker, Minister Teresa Ribera, will highlight Spain’s perspective on the Green Deal for all.
4 May, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CEST
“Global Energy Review 2020: The impacts of the Covid 19 crisis on global energy demand and CO2 emissions?” (by International Energy Agency)
In response to the exceptional circumstances stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, the annual IEA Global Energy Review has expanded its coverage to include real-time analysis of developments to date in 2020 and possible directions for the rest of the year. In addition to reviewing 2019 energy and CO2 emissions data by fuel and country, for this section of the Global Energy Review experts have tracked energy use by country and fuel over the past three months and in some cases – such as electricity – in real time. Join the webinar to find out more.
4 May, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“Cleaner Air in Cities” (by WWF, WMO and GAW)
Join this first webinar and learn how acting on climate change and air pollution can improve the health of your city. Air pollution represents a serious environmental problem causing premature deaths and negative impacts on ecosystems. Providing observational evidence of pollution levels and forecasts for acute air pollution episodes has been shown to reduce the number of premature deaths in urban areas. During this webinar you will gain knowledge on how air pollution is formed, and what role meteorological processes play in further deterioration of air quality. You will also be introduced to tools that are used for reducing the impacts of air pollution and how they can aid you in your work.
4 May, 5:00 – 7:00 PM CEST
“Talking about urban resilience: What changes for cities during a global crisis?” (by R3C, University of Southern Denmark, TU Delft, Arizona State University, Politecnico di Torino)
Urban resilience: a call to reframing planning discourse. Moving from urban resilience theory to practice. Urban resilience as collective undertaking: perspectives on spatial justice. Action, property and self-organisation. Understanding urban resilience: from climate change to pandemics. Join directly in Zoom (password request via
5 May, 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM CEST
“Adapt Northern Heritage Virtual Conference 2020” (by Adapt Northern Heritage)
Climate change is threatening historic places across the world, especially in the world’s Northern regions. This international conference will explore practices and research concerned with: assessing the environmental impacts of climate change and their associated risks on historic places; planning and/or implementing adaptation measures to make historic places more resilient to climate change, where possible, or alternatively manage their loss. This conference offers themed sessions over the course of two days (5-6 May) with speakers joining with live-streamed and pre-recorded presentations from across the globe.
5 May, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST (12:00 PM Nairobi time)
“Addressing Disaster Risk Reduction of multiple hazards during the COVID-19 crisis” (by UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, African Union Commission and Partners for Resilience)
The objective of this webinar is to discuss emerging issues relating to disaster risk reduction and increasing vulnerability from coronavirus disease 2019 impacts, and to offer recommendations and learning on how to continue working on disaster risk reduction to multiple hazards while responding to COVID-19 in Africa.
5 May, 12:00 – 1:00 PM CEST
“Upskilling building sector professionals, the linchpin for an effective renovation wave (EU Green Deal): Showcasing CEN-CE scheme” (by BuildUp EU and CEN-CE)
The EU-funded CEN-CE project has set up standard-based qualification and training schemes in energy efficient construction for heating and cooling professionals. Nearly 35 % of all buildings in the EU are over 50 years old, of which approximately 75 % are energy inefficient. Even though renovating existing buildings could substantially reduce energy consumption, only up to 1.2 % are renovated each year. Of those that are, just 15 % incorporate significant energy-efficiency improvements. This is also because most of the building sector, including heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals lack necessary skills to perform energy-efficient and low carbon renovations and retrofits. HVAC professionals play an important role in energy efficiency, especially in renovation where heating and cooling systems are replaced or upgraded first.
5 May, 12:00 – 2:00 PM CEST (6:00 PM Singapore Standard Time)
“Dense+Green Cities : Architecture As Urban Ecosystem” (by National Design Centre)
Join the Dense+Green Cities online presentation and panel discussion, hosted that will explore the interaction between buildings and the city as ecological systems through questions of concept, planning, design, technology and experience. The discussion will include impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the planning and design of future cities.
5 May, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CEST
“Climate Change – A 2020 Perspective” (by Society for Environment)
This event is a part of webinar series where chartered environmentalists from across sectors and disciplines provide their perspectives of climate change within their specialisms. Speakers of this event will make presentations on two topics: 1 – Materials, resource management and climate change, 2- Nuclear netflix and atomic automobiles? The future of nuclear power in the UK’s low carbon energy mix.
5 May, 2:00 – 3:00 AM CEST (10:00 AM AEST)
“A Clean Recovery” (by Clean Energy Council)
Join a forum of leading political, industry and community representatives to discuss the enormous potential of A Clean Recovery to lead Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19. COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the Australian economy. A Clean Recovery can use Australia’s enormous renewable energy and energy storage potential to create jobs and jumpstart the economy. A Clean Recovery can create thousands of new jobs, empower consumers, lower power prices and create the smart infrastructure of the future. This will cement Australia’s place as a global clean energy superpower, underpinning our competitive advantage for decades to come.
5 May, 3:00 – 4:00 AM CEST (11:00 AM AEST)
“Resilience Planning after Covid-19: Cyber and Climate Threats” (by Social Cyber Institute)
In April the premier of the Australian state of New South Wales announced the creation of a new agency, Resilience New South Wales, dedicated to helping the state recover from the Covid-19 crisis and to prepare for future emergencies. Resilience to cyber threats and global warming is among the remit of the new agency. The webinar will feature presentations on education for national cyber disasters and on post-disaster economic planning.
5 May, 3:00 – 3:45 PM CEST
“Impacts of the crisis on energy supply and demand” (by WindEurope)
Join Dave Turk, Acting Deputy Executive Director of the IEA, and Giles Dickson, CEO of WindEurope as they discuss the implications of the crisis for the energy system, how clean energy can help drive economic recovery and what it all means for energy supply and demand long term.
5 May, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“Corporate Renewables: Alternate Clean Energy Sources” (by Green Power Global)
Corporations are pursuing greenhouse gas emission reductions and decarbonisation by powering their operations with renewable energy represent different sectors, business sizes and geographies. Despite the significant attention given to corporate PPAs, this solution is often not viable for corporates with lower or fragmented energy consumption. So what alternative solutions exist and which corporate profiles are best suited to each?
5 May, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“Effective Policy Responses to Global Crises: Historical Lessons From Energy Shocks” (by Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies)
Countries regularly face difficult and yet unanticipated crises, such as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. How can governments respond to them effectively? In this webinar, we will explore historical cases of energy shocks, from the 1973 oil crisis to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, to understand how governments respond and when they are likely to succeed in mitigating the crisis. Drawing on these lessons, we will discuss the long-term impacts of the coronavirus response and strategies for a more sustainable and resilient future.
5 May, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“What is next for Internal Carbon Pricing – Managing Hidden Carbon Risks in Financial Portfolios” (by Crabon Pricing Unlocked and Navigant)
In this webinar dive into datasets financial institutions can use to uncover hidden carbon risks and how to use internal carbon pricing to manage these risks. This webinar also includes a presentations on the Carbon Pricing Unlocked partnership and on the Inevitable Policy Response to prepare investors for portfolio risks from climate change.
5 May, 5:00 – 6:00 PM CEST
“Powering Renewables: Women In Solar Energy” (by International Solar Energy Society)
The International Solar Energy Society envisions a world with 100% renewable energy for all, used efficiently and wisely and one of the biggest steps towards achieving this goal is the empowerment of women working in solar research, development and the solar industries. The aim of this webinar is to highlight the perspectives of women working in solar energy, their professional as well as personal experience, their achievements and to demonstrate that a successful energy transformation can only be achieved when renewables become powered by equality.
5 May, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST (12:00 PM EST)
“Limiting Temperature Rise to 1.5 Degrees: Roles for Investors, Companies, and Policymakers” (by World Resources Institute)
With new awareness of the systemic risks if global temperatures rise above 1.5℃, investors, companies and policymakers have begun making commitments to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. In this session, participants will explore how major asset owners decided to commit to net-zero portfolios, compare corporate strategies to set and meet ambitious carbon reduction goals, evaluate the critical role of policymakers in enabling deep carbon emissions reductions.
5 May, 7:00 – 8:30 PM CEST (1:00 PM EST)
“State Pollinator-Friendly Solar Initiatives” (by Clean Energy States Alliance)
Pollinators (birds, bees, butterflies, beetles) play a critical role in the production of food and seeds. Many states have incentives or other programs designed to promote the deployment of solar photovoltaics (PV) to meet climate or clean energy goals. But where fields are cleared for large solar PV projects to be installed, it can be at the expense of pollinators, which depend on vegetation for habitat and food. Recognizing that solar installations can benefit from pollinator-friendly ground cover, many US states have taken action to promote this promising solar PV design and management approach. In this webinar panelists will discuss states’ pollinator-friendly solar initiatives.
5 May, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CEST (2:00 – 3:00 EST)
“Electric Vehicles” (by Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy)
This webinar panel will focus on electric vehicles (EVs) and their potential to integrate with renewable energy. Speakers will touch on the current state of the electric vehicle market, including programs and policy tools to encourage EV drivers at times that are optimal for the grid. The webinar will share the perspective of charging network providers, automakers, utilities, and utility regulators.
6 May, 10:00 – 11:30 AM CEST and 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“SOS 1.5: the road to a resilient, zero-carbon future” (by World Business Council for Sustainable Development)
SOS 1.5 aims to make ‘mission possible’ ‘mission probable’ by helping you identify what is needed to achieve net-zero emissions, the barriers to overcome and the collective actions that companies must take to accelerate the transition. During this webinar discuss key learnings from WBCSD’s survey and interviews with companies from all sectors who’ve implemented a decarbonization strategy and achieved significant GHG reduction and/or removal. A few companies will share examples from their work on decarbonization pathways.
6 May, 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM CEST
“Adapt Northern Heritage Virtual Conference 2020” (by Adapt Northern Heritage)
Climate change is threatening historic places across the world, especially in the world’s Northern regions. This international conference will explore practices and research concerned with: assessing the environmental impacts of climate change and their associated risks on historic places; planning and/or implementing adaptation measures to make historic places more resilient to climate change, where possible, or alternatively manage their loss. This conference offers themed sessions over the course of two days (5-6 May) with speakers joining with live-streamed and pre-recorded presentations from across the globe.
6 May, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Multi-hazard Adaptation in Cities” (by WWF, WMO and GAW)
Flash floods, a climate-driven phenomenon, is the most dangerous type of flooding, killing more than 5,000 people each year. Forecasting weather conditions accurately and producing early warnings can allow better responses and save lives. During this webinar, you will gain knowledge on how technology can help cities anticipate climate hazards such as flash floods and be ready when these events hit.
6 May, 12:00 – 1:00 PM CEST
“A Pandemic, Oil Price Collapse, A Recession: Is the Future still Green?” (by Clean Energy Business Council)
This webinar will discuss the current state and outlook of oil and gas markets and implications for energy transition and the impact of COVID-19 on the clean energy sector and the energy transition in the the Middle East and North Africa. The webinar speakers are from Clean Energy Business Council MENA, Crystol Energy (UK), The Economist Intelligence Unit.
6 May, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CEST
“Introduction to Climate Policy Assessment Guides” (by Initiative for Climate Action Transparency)
This first webinar of the series will explain how the ICAT Assessment Guides can be easily applied by policymakers and technical experts to assess the GHG, sustainable development and transformational impacts of their policies and actions. Featuring exclusive presentations from Costa Rica and Mexico, the webinar will showcase how the Guides can support governments and non-state actors to achieve their national climate goals.
6 May, 5:15 – 7:00 PM CEST
“Digital Revolution for Sustainable Development” (by ETH Zürich)
This event is a part of Sustainable Development Goals Public Lecture Series aiming to answer the question: what are the major challenges and chances related to sustainability? The United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 SDGs provide an opportunity for the international community to shape the course of sustainable development. Join to gain insights from cutting edge science and leading societal actors.
6 May, 7:15 – 8:15 PM CEST
“Opportunities for One – Planet Prosperity : Lightening our Global Footprint and how companies can help humanity succeed” (by Security and Sustainability Forum)
Mathis Wackernagel is the author of the seminar book human impact on Earth systems, Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth. He is the co-creator of the Ecological Footprint and President of Global Footprint Network. Join discussion of futurist Hazel Henderson and SSF’s Edward Saltzberg in a conversation with Mathis Wackernagel.
7 May, 9:00 – 10:00 AM CEST
“Black Swan and Energy Transition: Energy investments” (by E+ Energy Transition Institute)
In this webinar a representative of Carbon Tracker, an English think tank that monitors the impacts of climate change on the financial market, will present a comparative analysis between the performance of sustainable investments and ER portfolios, and oil and gas investments. The Black Swan and Energy Transition webinar series is a production of the E+ Energy Transition Institute, which monitors the impacts of the current crisis in the energy sector, and how it may affect the energy transition in a broad.
7 May, 10:00 – 11:00 AM CEST
“How can your company tackle climate change with the ACT initiative?” (by ADEME and CDP)
Understand the alignment of your low-carbon strategy with the transition required for your sector. A sectoral ACT (Assessing low-Carbon Transition) methodologies are to be developed for the following sectors: iron & steel, agriculture and agro-food, generic (not sector-specific, but a methodology aimed at assessing multi-sectoral companies and companies operating in sectors not currently covered by ACT). Contribute your expertise to develop the first accountability assessment of companies’ contributions to the low-carbon transition in your sector by joining the Technical Working Group. Join the webinar to understand the benefits, timeline and requirements of the project.
7 May, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM CEST
“Food and beverage virtual roundtable discussion on natural capital” (by We Value Nature)
An opportunity for food and beverage sector representatives to come together and discuss some of the key challenges and barriers they are facing in relation to natural capital, as well as their needs and potential solutions. The discussions will directly contribute to the development of targeted training and communications materials tailored to the food and beverage sector.
7 May, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Ocean energy progress in Europe” (by ETIP Ocean and OceanSET)
The OceanSET project provides support to ocean energy implementation in order to achieve the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan targets. It helps to paint a clear picture of the ocean energy sector’s development across Europe. This webinar will provide an update on the ocean energy sector, based on recent information on costs, technologies, revenue support and other facts across European countries as presented in the first annual report produced by the OceanSET project.
7 May, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Energy Indicators” (by Copernicus Climate Change Service and World Energy & Meteorology Council)
Join the webinar dedicated to energy indicators looking at the 2019-2020 winter for which predictability was better than usual due to strong teleconnections between tropical regions and mid-latitudes.
7 May, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“The Future of Plastics: How do we move to a new plastics economy?” (by Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford and The Purpose Business)
This webinar looks at the future of plastics and potential moves to a new plastics economy. The session will explore the technical, economic and legal issues around a future plastics economy as well as the challenges and opportunities it offers. There will be a particular focus on restructuring the lifecycle of plastics to become more ‘circular’, in other words designing them for disassembly and re-use, thereby eliminating waste.
7 May, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“After the Covid-19 crisis: reflecting on sustainable development, public policies and changes in our societies” (by Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry and IDDRI – Sciences Po)
The current health crisis and its socio-economic consequences opens numerous uncertainties on changes in our economies and societies: while we struggle with emergency responses, we need at the same time to analyse and discuss the options for our societies and economies to progressively exit the crisis. Are they going to be transformed by the crisis? Can the recovery from the crisis be an opportunity to make a further step towards more equitable, more resilient and more sustainable societies? What can be the role of the different players?
7 May, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CEST
“COVID-19, global climate policy and carbon markets” (by Florence School of Regulation)
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a dramatic impact on economic activities worldwide. This has both direct and indirect effects on greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. What economic and climate policy package will be needed to deal with the economic consequences of COVID-19? How will the current emergency affect the European Green Deal? What consequences the ongoing pandemic may have on the EU ETS? What are its expected effects on the other Emission Trading Systems worldwide? What lessons can be learnt from the current pandemic for cooperation among countries in the international climate policy?
7 May, 12:00 – 1:00 PM CEST
“Learn to Love Nature: Forests” (by WWF)
A look at the importance of temperate forests with James Gordon, WWF-UK’s Chief Advisor for Forests. Find out about about the surprising similarities between your local woods and the Amazon Rainforest.
7 May, 12:30 – 1:30 PM CEST
“The impacts of COVID measures on the power sector of European countries” (by Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation and RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment)
The COVID crisis has led to a drop in electricity demand and generation. The study used the hourly load data from the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) to examine how the power system has responded in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, and UK, both on the demand side and supply side. Preliminary results provide insights on the impact of COVID policies on the profile of aggregate electricity demand, as well as on the generation mix and the carbon intensity of the power sector. The analysis shows that the COVID crisis has led to a drop in electricity load, generation, and CO2 emissions. Inspection of hourly data on weekday electricity generation by technology reveals that the ongoing demand-side shock has deepened the decarbonization, further contributing to emission reduction.
7 May, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST (9:00 AM EST)
“Resilience of Vulnerable Populations and COVID-19” (by World Resources Institute)
For poor countries and vulnerable populations, COVID-19 is a perfect storm. The health, livelihood, and economic impacts of the pandemic are converging with existing risks that vulnerable communities face every day, including climate change. Droughts, floods, and cyclones are still happening. How can response and recovery efforts to COVID-19 build longer-term resilience, enabling communities and countries to better prepare for future risks, whether health or climate? Join the webinar to hear from a diverse group of speakers representing vulnerable communities on the front-lines and international aid agencies.
7 May, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“Heating without the hot air – Principles for smart heat electrification” (by the Regulatory Assistance Project)
Heating in buildings is responsible for almost a third of total EU energy demand. And most of that heat is met by burning fossil fuels. In order to decarbonise heating, electrification is seen by many as a key strategy. The transformative challenge of the electrification of heating should not be underestimated. It will require strategic, ongoing policy and governance support. It requires a well-coordinated approach that cuts across several areas — buildings, individual and district heating systems, the power sector and existing heating fuel supply infrastructure. In this webinar experts will present pragmatic principles and policies for smart electrification of heating in Europe.
7 May, 3:00 – 3:45 PM CEST
“Exploiting the offshore wind potential of the Baltic Sea” (by WindEurope)
Today there are around 2 GW of offshore wind in the Baltic Sea. The cumulative potential capacity identified in the Baltic Sea by the European Commission exceeds 93 GW. How can we exploit the full potential of offshore wind in the Baltic Sea? What it is still needed to get the first projects on water? How can we learn from other countries’ experiences and work better together? Join experts to understand how countries at a different stage of development are planning the energy transition.
7 May, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“The surge of renewable energy in modern businesses” (by BusinessWise Solutions)
Renewable energy has made a surge in recent years and now makes up nearly 40% of all generated energy used through the national grid each year. We’ll take a look at the data that shows this journey, and the factors that have made this possible and how businesses are adapting to it.
7 May, 4:00 – 6:00 PM CEST
“Fracking, plastics and the climate – the still widely unknown nexus and its implications for the European Green Deal” (by Heinrich-Böll-Foundation, Deutsche Umwelthilfe and Food & Water Action Europe)
The international English edition of the Plastic Atlas published in November 2019 highlights the scale of the plastic crisis, and the global impacts of plastic production, consumption and disposal on other key global challenges such as human health and climate change. This web conference focuses on the starting point of plastic production: the extraction of fossil fuels. Simultaneous interpretation (German/English) during the event provided.
7 May, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“How to anticipate climate-related risks with data” (by Carbon 4 Finance)
The Covid-19 crisis and its multiple and cascading worldwide impacts warns us that we are definitely not prepared for the unexpected.
Regarding climate change, we are aware that the world will face brutal consequences in the near future. We need to address climate action urgently, by reducing massively CO2 emissions and by anticipating both physical climate risks and transition risks. The financial sector, which will be increasingly exposed to those risks, is on the front line when it comes to tackling climate action and redirect investments. Join the webinar to hear about climate-related risks, how carbon and climate data can help financial actors avoid and prevent those risks, and what lessons can we learn from the coronavirus crisis for the anticipation of climate change impacts.
7 May, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“Indoor air quality: lessons for the future of public health” (by World Green Building Council)
The webinar is a part of series “Air Quality in the Built Environment” where experts from across the WorldGBC global network will come together in conversation to share global and regional insights to air quality, public health and environmental sustainability in these times of challenge and uncertainty. Join an expert conversation about indoor environmental quality in our homes and buildings.
7 May, 5:00 – 6:00 PM CEST
“What is next for Internal Carbon Pricing – Seizing Low-Carbon Opportunities in Value Chains” (by Carbon Pricing Unlocked and Navigant)
In this webinar the presenters we will show best practice approaches organizations can use to develop an internal carbon pricing program to future-proof themselves and seize opportunities in your operations and your supply chain in the low-carbon transition. This webinar also includes a presentation on the Carbon Pricing Unlocked Partnership, the International Finance Corporation / Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition on carbon pricing approaches being used along the construction value chain as an example, and lessons from Seventh Generation on their self-imposed carbon tax.
7 May, 6:30 – 7:30 PM CEST (5:30 PM BST)
“Can Carbon Capture and Storage deliver on its negative emissions promise?” (by Energy Institute)
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is widely considered to be essential to meet net-zero emissions goals and address the climate emergency. However, progress is currently slow, with the UK hesitating over the first CCS projects and considerable uncertainty globally. This event will explore the role of CCS in delivering net-zero and discuss some of the critical questions around its deployment.
7 May, 9:00 – 10:00 PM CEST (3:00 PM EST)
“Leading with Soils: How climate mitigation can unlock economic opportunity for farmers” (by Carbon180)
Soils can be a powerful climate solution. Across the United States, agriculture practices that store carbon and build healthy soils offer significant economic and environmental opportunities for farmers and ranchers. However, these opportunities can only be harnessed through strong federal policy. Carbon180 worked directly with farmers and ranchers to understand the challenges they face in implementing soil carbon practices. Lessons learnt were translated into detailed federal policy recommendations which will be released during the event as a report.
8 May, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Explaining how the European Green Deal can accelerate the transition towards a decarbonised economy” (by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italian Sustainable Investment Forum and Nedcommunity)
In December 2019, the European Commission has launched the European Green Deal. This set of actions is aimed at designing a set of deeply transformative policies, mainstreaming sustainability in all EU policies, and reinforce EU’s position as a global leader, assuming the responsibility to encourage the private sector, the stakeholders and its partners to undertake a more sustainable path. The event will be the occasion to discuss with the Director-General of Climate Action at the European Commission the main features and characteristics of the European Green Deal.
8 May, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“Carbon Neutral Cities” (by WWF, WMO and GAW)
This event is a part of webinar series to showcase success stories where local governments use the best available scientific information as a basis for decision making aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks and improving urban air quality. Join to learn how acting on climate change and air pollution can improve the health of your city. Our ability to measure greenhouse gas emissions in cities gives us a better understanding of the critical problem of climate change in urban environments. High-resolution monitoring of the atmosphere, combined with modeling, enables local governments to more accurately size the emissions, thereby providing reliable information upon which to make informed decisions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. During this webinar you will gain knowledge on how atmospheric observations can support mitigation actions on the path towards carbon neutral cities.
8 May, 6:00 – 7:30 PM CEST
“The Future of Earth, AI + The Environment” (by International Telecommunication Union)
Shining a light on environmentally destructive practices (as has become apparent during COVID) and re-imaging the future of the earth with AI. How is modern imaging related to climate change? How can AI and machine learning drive climate solutions? How will Covid-19 change our approach to the environment? How is AI bridging the gap between old environmentalism and new?
8 May, 9:00 – 10:00 PM CEST (3:00 PM EST)
“The Nature of Crises & The Downfall of Giants: Is Oil (Finally) Past its Peak” (by ClimateXChange)
This virtual events is a part of webinar series that focuses on bringing you the stories of people committed to creating a livable and equitable future for life on this planet — those working every day to ensure we find ourselves on the other side of the climate crisis. The webinar features Bill McKibben, author and environmental advocate.
9 May, 3:30 – 4:30 PM CEST (7:00 PM IST)
“Resilience, Hope: India in the time of COVID-19 & climate change” (by India Climate Collaborative)
Join the discussion about resilience and recovery in the face of our two planetary challenges: COVID-19 and climate change. The COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of the inequities in our vulnerability to global threats. These disparities are heightened by a rapidly warming world. Part 1 of a weekly series is a discussion on lessons from the ongoing crisis that will help us build a resilient, equitable, and sustainable India.