Week of 15 – 21st June 2020

It’s the end of the COP as we know it: linking beyond UNFCCC. Growing a trillion trees the right way. Building business resilience: how collective leadership will reverse nature loss. How low costs can accelerate our clean energy future. Using Earth Observation data in climate resilience decision-making. Digitalization: how will wind farms look in 2025? Local resistance to climate adaptation: lessons for the development sector. Transformative climate finance. Find out about these and more online events of the week!

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15 June, 💨 Global Wind Day

15 – 16 June
“UN Global Compact Leaders Summit” (by United Nations Global Compact)

This year’s UN Global Compact Leaders Summit marks 20 years of uniting business for a better world. Taking place virtually, the Leaders Summit promises to be bigger, better and more inclusive than any physical event. The high-level programme will “chase the sun” to allow our participants and Global Compact Local Networks to participate in their own time zones. The event includes discussions on SDG and climate ambition, sustainable COVID recovery, just transition and much more. See UN Global Compact’s official Youtube page for for recorded videos from the event.

15 June, 10:00 – 11:30 AM CEST
“100 percent renewables for a crisis-proof European Green Deal” (by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union)

During the webinar, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) will present their findings on the realisation of a fully renewables powered European economy in a comprehensive study entitled “Make the European Green Deal Real”. The study focusses on tightening the climate protection targets for 2030 as a condition for full decarbonisation in 2050, as well as on strengthening European cooperation. Register here.

15 June, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM CEST
“Seasonal Climate Forecasts for Industry Decision Making” (by World Energy & Meteorology Council and University of East Anglia)

Explore the seasonal forecast science, the decision making and the trial climate services being developed by the Horizon 2020 SECLI-FIRM project for the energy and water industries.

15 June, 10:00 – 11:30 AM and 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“Making the Sustainable Development Goals actionable for business: Insights from sector roadmaps” (by World Business Council for Sustainable Development)

This virtual engagement session aims to provide the opportunity for peer-to-peer exchange on the value and experiences of developing SDG Roadmaps, learning from the sectors that have successfully completed their roadmaps and are implementing them, as well as those currently working to finalize their impact pathways towards 2030. This session will be interactive and enable discussion on the back of key learning, latest insight and best practices to collaboratively maximize impact and making the SDGs actionable at sector level.

15 June, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CEST
“Building business resilience: How collective leadership will reverse nature loss” (by World Economic Forum, WBCSD, ICC, UN Global Compact, IUCN and Business for Nature)

How resilient is your business? Join this first major global leadership event to discuss nature in a world rethinking how to emerge from the crisis of a pandemic. This event brings together inspiring business and world leaders to explore how making nature part of your decision-making is critical to becoming a future-fit business. Healthy societies, resilient economies and thriving businesses rely on nature. Yet, more than half of the world’s total GDP is at risk from nature loss. Business and governments need to work together now to reverse nature loss in this decade…

15 June, 4:30 – 6:00 PM CEST
“Harmonizing multi-level governance: vertical and horizontal integration” (by International Urban Resilience Academy)

The webinar aims at discussing barriers and opportunities for multi-level governance, strengthening the collaboration between: international, national and sub-national levels; mainstream urban resilience across departments within the same administration; favor the collaboration with stakeholders. Ultimately the webinar will discuss the importance of multi-level governance for empowering action for urban resilience.

15 June, 5:00 – 6:00 PM CEST
“Global Wind Day Quiz” (by WindEurope)

Think you know about wind energy? Pop culture? General knowledge? Do you and your teammates have what it takes to compete against the wind community? 2020 marks the 13th year of Global Wind Day, the annual event bringing together individuals, communities, and organisations to celebrate wind energy and the positive difference it makes in the world. As part of this year’s celebrations, you’re invited to join us for our first ever virtual pub quiz. Whether in a team with your colleagues or from the comfort of your home, join to have fun and even have a chance to win exclusive prizes.

16 June, 10:00 – 11:30 AM and 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“COVID-19 recovery scenarios” (by World Business Council for Sustainable Development)

When you join this virtual session, you will be able to bring and take with you different thesis of business recovery in accordance with epidemiological hypothesis. The goal is to identify the critical actions that businesses can take to maximize the opportunity for a speedy and sustainable economic pick up.

16 June, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM CEST and 17 June, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM CEST
“25th Energy Community Athens Electricity Forum” (by Energy Community Secretariat)

The event will be organised as a virtual form. To join one or more of the three Forum blocks please connect via the following link. First day session on “Electricity Markets between Crisis Management and Take-Off” includes discussions about the impact of COVID 19 on the energy sector and progress in greening the energy sector. Second day session on “Electricity market integration” includes discussions about decarbonisation via market integration, cross-border trade, regional electricity market integration.

16 June, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Solar PV + storage cheaper than coal in India” (by ATA Insights)

The ability to dispatched power when it is needed – rather than only when it is produced – is the only remaining challenge for a 100% renewable energy grid. Already solar PV and wind power are cheaper than fossil fuels anywhere in the world, and more so if CO2 certificate costs are considered. A PV plus storage project in India (Hyderabad) has beat coal prices in an auction, showing the way for the industry to follow. Join the webinar to learn the latest on solar plus storage project design, optimization, development and cost which can be applied to projects worldwide…

16 June, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CEST
“Energy transitions in the EU and the GCC: Challenges and opportunities” (by EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network)

This online event will provide an overview of the goals and activities that the EU and GCC regions are undertaking to achieve their clean energy targets, including the EU Green Deal and the different GCC country visions and strategies. Also, it will discuss the challenges that the two regions are facing and what can be done to transform them in business and economic opportunities. In addition, the webinar will highlight the efforts that both regions are undertaking to foster their collaboration in the clean energy and climate change domains.

16 June, 1:00 – 2:30 PM CEST
“Renovation Wave: How cogeneration will bring benefits for citizens, businesses and the climate” (by COGEN Europe)

This webinar features energy experts’ visions and stories on the Renovation Wave. Learn how cogeneration applications efficiently link electricity, heat and gas, for lower emissions, higher shares of renewables and overall a more flexible and cost-effective energy system.

16 June, 1:30 – 4:00 PM CEST
“Energy Transition 2020: Is there a future for fossil energy?” (by Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU)

This event is a part of webinar series replacing the Energy Transition Conference that was planned for March 2020. The webinars blend keynotes, panel and plenary discussions among international experts from academia, industry, government and NGOs. Speakers of this webinar: from International Energy Agency, Beijing Energy Club, U.S. Energy Information Administration and other.

16 June, 2:00 – 3:00 PM CEST
Fragile Food Systems, Looming Hunger and COVID-19: Time for a Paradigm Shift?” (by Graduate Institute Geneva)

Under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global community adopted 17 global goals to improve lives by 2030; goal-2 pledges to end hunger. COVID-19 is exacerbating the existing insecurities and weaknesses of the food systems driving these levels of malnutrition up. This webinar explores these challenges from the point of view of actors in the formal, informal, public and private sectors of the food systems, and their roles and responsibilities in ensuring access to quality and sufficient food. How can we turn the current crisis into an opportunity to rebuild food and health systems to deliver healthy and nutritious diets for all?

16 June, 2:00 – 3:45 PM CEST
“EU ETS Market Stability Reserve: Coping with COVID-19 and preparing for the review” (by European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable TransitionERCST)

This online meeting aims to explore the ramifications of the current crisis on the EU emissions trading system (ETS), and on the functioning of the Market Stability Reserve (MSR). A discussion is warranted on what is still to be expected from the mandated MSR review itself, given the expected proposal for the revision of the entire ETS directive, and how the two will be articulated.

16 June, 3:00 – 3:45 PM CEST
“Digitalization: How will wind farms look in 2025?” (by WindEurope)

For several years we’ve heard a lot about the digitalisation of the energy sector. Over the past few month’s digital solutions and alternatives in different operations have become a major talking point and a necessity to ensure continued operation. As such, a range of digital solutions have been deployed in wind farms and have gradually been changing wind operation and maintenance (O&M). But do you know to which extend the wind sector is digitalised today? And which of these solutions will be truly shaping the future of wind in the next five years? How can we fit the framework to accelerate wind digitalisation, in terms of regulation, commercial value creation or new technology development and validation? Join the discussion where wind industry experts will share their vision on what digital wind O&M will look like in 2025.

16 June, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“Meet the person driving the EU’s action on sustainable finance” (by Climate Bonds Initiative)

With its massive COVID-recovery green stimulus commitments, the EU is now leading the world on sustainable finance action. This conversation, with the head of the European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Team, will look at what’s really going and what to expect next.

16 June, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“Koopman operators and climate variability” (by Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation)

In the last years ensemble methods have been widely popular in atmospheric, climate and ocean dynamics investigations and forecasts as convenient methods to obtain statistical information on these systems. In many cases, ensembles have been used as an approximation to the probability distribution that has acquired more and more a central role, as the importance of a single trajectory, or member, became less stringent. A scientific paper (to be presented during the webinar) shows that using results from the dynamical systems and more recent results from the machine learning and AI communities, we can arrive at a direct estimation of the probability distribution evolution and also at the formulation of predictor systems based on a nonlinear formulation.

16 June, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“Deployment of Bioenergy Combined with Carbon Capture and Storage or Utilisation (BECCS/U)” (by IEA Bioenergy)

Negative emissions technologies (NETs) will likely be important for fulfilment of global climate change mitigation ambitions. Bioenergy coupled with Carbon Capture and Storage or Utilization (BECCS/U) is one of the NETs that are most frequently discussed, yet often only on a rather abstract level. This webinar highlights and discusses the key technological, economical and political factors that need to be taken into account to take BECCS/U from theoretical concept to on-the-ground deployment.

16 June, 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“How should international financing of SDGs adapt to both country structures and risks?” (by IDDRI)

This online session will deal with the adaptation of the international financing of SDGs both to the structures of countries and to the risks they face, of which Covid-19 is obviously a major illustration today. In particular, it will consider how to differentiate the responses to be provided according to the specific challenges of each country, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable, starting with the least developed countries. It will also address the long-term consequences of ongoing debt relief, and the importance of business support both in responding to the crisis and in pursuing SDGs.


16 June, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST
“Implementing Energy Efficiency Programs in Rural America” (by Environmental and Energy Study Institute – EESI)

In rural communities, families pay on average about 40 percent more for energy compared to their urban counterparts. This briefing explored how more than 60 electric cooperatives and public utilities across the country are using an innovative financing mechanism – on-bill financing – to fund clean energy upgrades for homes and small businesses to reduce these burdensome energy costs.

16 June, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CEST
“Realizing floating wind in APAC region” (by DNV GL)

Confidence in floating wind is growing as a track record of success through demonstration projects in proving the technology, but despite progress, it remains a higher risk proposition than fixed offshore wind farms. In order to bridge the remaining gap to a ‘bankable’ project, risk mitigation measures should be carefully considered during the developmental stage of floating wind projects to avoid issues later in the project lifecycle. During this webinar, experts will share insights into the following factors that should be considered when developing floating wind projects in Asia-Pacific region.

16 June, 9:00 – 10:00 PM CEST (3:00 PM EST)
“The 2035 Report: How Low Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future” (by Clean Energy States Alliance)

According to a report to be released in early June from the University of California, the United States can reliably deliver 90% clean, carbon-free electricity nationwide by 2035 using existing technology, without increasing consumer bills, and without the need for new fossil fuel plants. “The 2035 Report: How Low Costs Can Accelerate Our Clean Energy Future” demonstrates how recent dramatic cost declines for solar, wind, and battery storage allow for near-term decarbonization of the electricity grid. In this webinar, two of the report’s authors will present the main findings and discuss their implications.

17 June, 🌎 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

17 June, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM CEST
“How to jump start industry decarbonization in the wake of the corona crisis?” (by RENEW-industry Network and ECEEE)

The coronavirus COVID-19 continues to drastically change the conditions for the energy intensive industries to transition towards net-zero emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. In light of the ongoing crisis, this half-day workshop will bring together experts from academia, industry, policy and society to discuss how deep decarbonisation in industry can be facilitated under these new and uncertain circumstances.

17 June, 9:30 – 11:15 AM CEST
“Clean Energy Islands as champions of the green recovery?” (by Covenant of Mayors)

Islands across the EU have long been front runners in building resilient and sustainable communities. Their specific geographical situation naturally creates a need for a strong and cohesive community, and for islands, the benefits of the clean energy transition go well beyond tackling climate change and energy security. Local economic development, job creation, improved health and more balanced local economies are key for better future perspectives of communities on islands and the mainland. Illustrated by concrete examples from EU islands, this session will revolve around resilient recovery strategies, and provide an opportunity to exchange approaches and ideas around how to ensure a prosperous Europe now and in the future.

17 June, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CEST
“Masterclass on net zero buildings commitments – why, what and how?” (by World Green Building Council)

Over 80 leading cities, states and organisations have signed the WorldGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment to date. In this masterclass, you will find out why commiting is so powerful and so important and you’ll also hear unique insights into how to deliver net zero carbon buildings in practice.

17 June, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CEST
“Will the Just Transition Fund deliver the Green Deal?” (by Energy Post)

The European Parliament is entering a crucial phase of work on the Just Transition Fund file. The dossier is highly political with many Committees providing their input. The discussion will provide a good opportunity to find answers to questions such as: Is the new flagship Green Deal initiative fit-for-purpose and does it provide an adequate response to the post-pandemic challenges? Who should be the main beneficiaries of the fund and why? What could be improved to achieve the desired impact in coal-dependent regions?

17 June, 2:00 – 3:15 PM CEST
“Health & happiness: How can transport contribute to enhanced quality of life?” (by SLOCAT)

Transport and mobility can play a central role in improving the quality of life. In this Fireside Chat episode of Let’s Talk Transport, experts from the sustainable, low carbon transport community, together with others working on public health, air quality, and behaviour change, will investigate this topic in light of complex societal challenges.

17 June, 2:30 – 4:45 PM CEST
“City Focus: Local Leaders on the Front Lines of the Heating and Cooling Revolution” (by Celsius Initiative)

Many European cities have inspiring stories to tell about how they have managed or how they plan their heat transition towards a 100% green, reliable system based on local sources and heat networks. During the webinar we will hear from remarkable cities from all corners of Europe, from very advanced decarbonised systems going the extra mile, to retrofitting and decarbonising existing networks, to getting a new network started.

17 June, 3:00 – 4:30 PM CEST
“Forestry Methodology” (by Initiative for Climate Action Transparency – ICAT)

The Paris Agreement calls on countries to implement and support efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and foster conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+). This webinar will explain how policymakers and technical experts can assess the GHG impacts of their forestry policies and actions at various levels of governance through the use of the ICAT Assessment Guide for Forestry. Featuring an in-depth presentation from Sierra Gorda in Mexico, the webinar will showcase how the Guide can support an increase in carbon sequestration, a reduction of GHG emissions, and ultimately the advancement of your national climate goals.

17 June, 3:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“It’s the End of the COP as We Know It: Linking beyond UNFCCC” (by Wuppertal Institute and German Development Institute)

This event is a part of Online Expert Workshop Series to discuss how the nature of the annual meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC may be shaped to make the best use of what has become a global focusing event for climate action.

17 June, 3:30 – 4:30 PM CEST
“People and Planet: The Future of Development in a Post-COVID-19 World” (by United Nations Development Programme – UNDP and United Nations Environment Programme – UNEP)

The pandemic hit a world dealing with unresolved tensions – between the people and the planet and between people and technology – that are shaping a new generation of inequalities. In a post-COVID 19 world: how can we build back better and shape the future of development for a more sustainable and egalitarian societies? The 2020 Human Development Report, to be released towards the end of this year, will delve into these issues and focus on how to rekindle our relationship with nature and improve people’s lives today and in the future, in balance with the planet. Watch the event live here.

17 June, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“Transformative Climate Finance” (by World Bank)

The Transformative Climate Finance Report sets out a new approach for climate finance that can enable more impactful investments and a sustainable recovery as developing countries grapple with an economic recovery. Join report authors for a virtual launch event that will explain the key findings of the report followed by a panel discussion and audience Q&A.

17 June, 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“Local resistance to climate adaptation: Lessons for the development sector” (by Centre for Climate Justice, Glasgow Caledonian University)

Despite the intensifying efforts to promote adaptation to climate change in low- and middle-income countries, adaptation projects and programs have often failed to meet their objective of decreasing local vulnerabilities to climate impacts. The webinar will deliver the main findings and recommendations of a study which investigated the case of a local community that had rejected the solutions offered by an adaptation project implemented jointly by UNDP and the national government in rural São Tomé and Príncipe.

17 June, 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“Resilience and transportation: International best practices of funding instruments to support public transit after Covid-19” (by TUMI, GIZ, World Resources Institute, New Urban Mobility Alliance and MobiliseYourCity)

In this webinar will consider enormous financial losses that transport agencies and municipalities are facing due to the drop in the number of passengers and a looming economic recession. Speakers would like to present and discuss ideas, outlooks and recommendations on how to fund public transport and keep the backbone of urban mobility working. In this light, proposals for financial subsidies and a Green New Deal also show the need to address the climate crisis and the decarbonization of transport until 2050.

17 June, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST
“Protect and Preserve Nature, the Source of Human Health” (by World Wildlife Fund – WWF, Convention on Biological Diversity – CBD and World Health Organization – WHO)

How are COVID-19 and human health linked to nature and biodiversity loss? How can we prevent future pandemics from happening? How do we mainstream biodiversity for health and nutrition, and pave a path towards sustainable food systems? Why are the upcoming 12 months and global negotiations on biodiversity so important for people and planet?

17 June, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CEST (2:00 PM EST)
“Water Stewardship: Getting Started and a Path Forward” (by World Resources Institute, Alliance for Water Stewardship and P&G Company)

This is an informational webinar exploring how companies can develop water stewardship strategies. Open-source resources from WRI and AWS will be highlighted, including Aqueduct 3.0 and the International Water Stewardship Standard v2.0 (“AWS Standard”). Procter & Gamble, which has developed and implemented a corporate water stewardship strategy, will describe the on-ramp process and how to use WRI’s strategic framework to assess, prioritize and implement water stewardship practices. Hear from water stewardship experts on implementing the AWS Standard in direct operations and lessons learned.

17 June, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CEST (2:00 PM EST)
“The Bioeconomy’s Role in COVID-19 Recovery and Climate Solutions” (by Environmental and Energy Study Institute – EESI)

Rural areas of the US have been hard hit by the economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis. While farms struggle to remain financially solvent, the tremendous benefits of the bioeconomy are at risk. This briefing will provide an overview of the health, climate, and economic advantages of bio-based products and the challenges currently facing the industry.


17 June, 10:00 – 11:00 PM CEST (4:00 PM EST)
“Short Circuiting Policy Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States” (by ERE & ISEP, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies)

In 1999, Texas passed a landmark clean energy law, beginning a groundswell of new policies that promised to make the US a world leader in renewable energy. However, that policy did not lead to momentum in Texas, which failed to implement its solar laws or clean up its electricity system. In this webinar, you will hear about the political history of the US energy institutions, how fossil fuel companies and electric utilities have promoted climate denial and delay. More than a history of renewable energy policy in modern America, Short Circuiting Policy offers a bold new argument about how the policy process works, and why seeming victories can turn into losses when the opposition has enough resources to roll back laws.

18 June, 4:00 – 5:00 AM CEST (12:00 PM Sydney)
“Auto-Bidding: Optimizing Battery performance through energy management systems” (by ATA Insights)

Australia’s large-scale renewable energy capacity increased more than 2.2GW in 2019, driving the need for innovative energy networks to deliver a more efficient power system. This webinar will study how innovative assets management technology are optimizing the operation of renewable assets.

18 June, 8:30 AM – 8:30 PM CEST
“A new era for food and climate: Driving transformative actions” (by Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security – CCAFS)

The event aims to inspire collective action on the 11 priorities laid out in the flagship report of the Transforming Food Systems Under a Changing Climate initiative, catalyzing efforts to address the current food crisis prompted by COVID-19 and averting future food insecurity from our changing climate. The report, Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change, launching on 25 June, is the collaborative work of a panel of global experts in food security, food systems and climate change. It identifies high-priority actions that we must collectively take now. The around-the-world virtual relay event will be livestreamed on the website and on the Facebook page.

18 June, 10:00 – 11:00 AM CEST
“Sustainable Recoveries: World Energy Outlook Special Report” (by International Energy Agency – IEA)

The latest World Energy Outlook special report will quantify the economic and job-creation potential of building a more resilient and cleaner energy sector. Watch the event live on LinkedIn, Twitter & Youtube:

18 June, 10:00 – 11:30 AM CEST
“Delivery models, funding & procurement for smart cities” (by ICLEI and European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities)

City governments have a key role in planning and delivering the take-up of smart technologies. The key to success is to define this role adequately. This webinar will go through four different, but complementary, roles that cities can play in the adoption of smart city solutions within their boundaries, highlighting funding models and what market failure is addressed for each role: cities as regulators, cities as facilitators, cities as buyers (direct procurers), cities as partners (public-private partnerships). The discussion will be supported by real life examples from panelists, who will share their experience of each delivery model.

18 June, 10:00 – 11:30 AM CEST and 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST
“Food System Resilience workshop” (by World Business Council for Sustainable Development)

Resilience is the capacity of business, economic and social structures to survive, adapt and grow in the face of change and uncertainty related to disturbances, whether they be caused by resource stresses, societal stresses and/or acute events. A system is resilient if it is both robust and adaptive. Companies must consider how products, services and practices contribute to stakeholder & system resilience and their organizational resilience. Join this webinar to gain insights into effectively managing uncertainty, with expert speakers who will provide a clear overview of the win-win of collaborating for resilience.

18 June, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM CEST
Climateurope Webstival 2020″ (by ClimateEurope)

Climateur​ope ends soon. It is thus a good opportunity to update you on what was achieved over the last five years and how the activity could contribute to Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027). This webstival will be a mix of plenary talks and virtual rooms/spaces where you can discuss the talks and event, or just take the opportunity to make new connections, and engage with old friends and colleagues. You will be provided with the insights into the activity of the Mission Board on “Adaptation to Climate Change including Societal Transformation”. There will also be a discussion about the new demands of Climate Services can be matched with evolving Earth system Modelling and Prediction Capabilities.

18 June, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“The First Defence – Curbing your organisations energy use through demand side management tool” (by Climate Action)

Treating demand reduction as ‘the first defense’ is already the policy in many countries leading the energy transition, especially across Europe. But as industries get back to work and energy markets recalibrate, this offers the perfect opportunity for the more intensive energy industries to rethink their strategies. This webinar will explore how innovation, technology and regulation can be harnessed to support the transition towards at net zero future and showcase the important role demand-side response will play within it.

18 June, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CEST
“Hydrogen in the European Green Deal, a new vector for international cooperation” (by EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network)

The webinar will elaborate on the intraregional cooperation mechanisms that could drive the development of hydrogen projects in regions that could become potential suppliers of green fuels to Europe. The webinar will discuss the market, timelines, pathways, technology and technology transfer, finance and roadmaps. Register here.

18 June, 12:00 – 1:00 PM CEST
“Sustainable employment and welfare support” (by Platform for Coal Regions in Transition)

European coal regions have been facing the challenge of declining jobs in both coal mining and in coal-fired power plants over the last decades. Upcoming closures of mines and power plants put 160,000 jobs at risk (JRC 2018). This is a challenge to the economy for those regions, which strongly depend on coal. The aim of this webinar is to discuss how to accompany the labour market transition in coal and carbon-intensive regions, focusing on: providing short-term support for workers affected by labour market transition; providing medium- and longer-term actions that support employment and job- creation through regional diversification.

18 June, 12:00 – 1:30 PM CEST
Energy transition: new business models to de-risk investments and kick start the EU building renovation wave” (by Triple-A Project)

This side session of the EU Sustainable Energy Week Policy Conference will address key current challenges, such as mainstreaming energy efficiency finance through innovative mechanisms, valuing energy efficiency infrastructure and demand-side flexibility as energy resources, and highlighting the role of standardised technical quality criteria and certification schemes.

18 June, 2:00 – 3:30 PM CEST
“Upscaling: different methodologies to scale up nature-based solutions and transfer them to other cities” (by UrbanByNature)

In this webinar, you will be hearing from representatives of cities and experts on the topic of creative approaches for implementing and scaling-out nature-based solutions (NBS). This topic is essential for webinar participants to learn more about capturing local knowledge and supporting co-creative planning processes in regards to nature-based solutions. Specifically, the webinar will share experiences on outcomes related to the testing of a new methodology to facilitate the design of NBS.

18 June, 2:00 – 3:30 CEST (8:00 PHT)
“Asia Clean Energy Forum 2020 event: Key Financing Principles for CO2 capture, utilization and storage” (by Clean Energy Ministerial CCUS Initiative)

Several finance-sector organisations have jointly elaborated “Key Financing Principles for CCUS”. Largely due to lack of viable business models, CCUS (CO2 capture, utilization and storage) deployment today is still well below where it needs to be. This online session is designed to discuss key principles for CCUS financing and outline ways to put them into action, especially in Asia. Speakers and panelists are from multilateral development banks, commercial banks, governments and industry.

18 June, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
We need a Total Fossil Lockdown for a Climate Revolution” (by REN21)

Join to explore the key findings of REN21’s Renewables Global Status Report 2020: What changed in renewables in 2019? What can we learn for the green recovery? What is the role of public support? The report shows the need to decarbonise all sectors. Growth in renewable power has been impressive over the 10 years but too little is happening in heating, cooling, and transport. Overall, global hunger for energy keeps increasing and eats up progress. The journey towards climate disaster continues unless we make an immediate switch to efficient and renewable energy in all sectors in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

18 June, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST
“Europe’s next carbon capture and storage facilities” (by Global CCS Institute)

The European Green Deal recognises the important role of carbon capture, utilisation and storage as a key technology for industrial decarbonisation. There are currently two operating large-scale CCS facilities in Europe, both in Norway. In this webinar you will hear about the development of what may become Europe’s next CCS facilities; the Full-Scale Project in Norway and the Porthos project in the Netherlands. Final investment decision is anticipated for each of these critical projects in the next 12 months. Recent developments and key steps leading to Final Investment Decision will be outlined. In addition, there will be a discussion on how it is hoped these facilities might develop and contribute to decarbonisation more widely.

18 June, 3:00 – 4:00 PM CEST (9:00 AM EST)
“Build Back Better: Three Transformations for Clean Air” (by World Resources InstituteWRI)

As factories and offices have shut down and people have stayed at home more in response to COVID-19 and lockdowns, air pollution has dropped around the world. But pollution didn’t go away in many places, and pollution exposure over time has made thousands more vulnerable to complications from respiratory illnesses. This webinar will bring together a panel of experts to lay out this new trajectory, looking across three key transformations that we need for clean air: in energy, food systems, and sustainable consumption and waste management, and how these transformations are needed from a city´s perspective. You will hear discussion about the key leverage points for global shifts in trajectory, tracking this back to an integrated agenda for cities, the places where pollution and people overlap most.

18 June, 3:00 – 4:30 PM CEST
“Technology Transfer and Innovation for Low-Carbon Development” (by RFF, CMCC and EIEE)

Global transfer and deployment of low-carbon technology (LCT) from developed to developing economies is a necessity—but also an opportunity. Actions that promote LCT absorption, use and production—such
as investments in human capital, infrastructure and firms—also benefit entire economies. These investments can increase a country’s competitiveness, output, and employment while producing other
benefits that improve the lives of citizens…

18 June, 3:00 – 4:15 PM CEST
“Dual-Benefit Stimulus for Germany – 50 measures for a green recovery” (by Agora Energiewende)

Agora proposed a massive, targeted growth and investment initiative with 50 measures that will provide economic relief and put Germany on the path to climate neutrality by 2050, in line with the European Green Deal. The German government recently released a 130 billion euro stimulus package that includes some of the measures in our proposal that give the dual-benefit of rebuilding the economy and addressing the climate crisis, including a 9 billion euro hydrogen strategy. You will hear presentation of key mechanisms of the proposal that can be replicated internationally and discuss the latest policy developments in Germany’s recovery package.

18 June, 3:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“It’s the End of the COP as We Know It: Scoping COP reform” (by Wuppertal Institute and German Development Institute)

This event is a part of Online Expert Workshop Series to discuss how the nature of the annual meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC may be shaped to make the best use of what has become a global focusing event for climate action. Register here.

18 June, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“The how, when, and why of using Earth Observation data in Climate resilience decision-making. Showcase 1: Agricultural livelihoods & water” (by European Space Agency)

As one of the most climate-dependent sectors, agriculture can be highly vulnerable to the impacts of slow-onset climate change and the increasing frequency of high-magnitude events. In economies highly dependent on agriculture, climate impacts can elevate risks of food insecurity, loss of livelihoods and export revenue, and heightened competition among water users (among others). All of these can elevate both social and macroeconomic instability that place constraints on prosperity and development. The second webinar of the series aims to introduce the use and benefits of EO-derived data and services in climate resilience decision making in climate resilience decision-making in the agriculture and water sectors.

18 June, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“Growing a Trillion Trees the Right Way” (by World Resources Institute)

In January, the Trillion Trees initiative and Mastercard’s Priceless Planet Coalition led the private sector into new, ambitious commitments. But much of that funding is not yet reaching the ground. Why? Funders are eager to invest, but they have trouble finding the projects that are best equipped to receive funding, scale up, and do it right. To fill that gap, WRI has developed TerraMatch, a new online platform that connects people who know how to grow trees with funders. It will help countries, communities, and businesses around the world act on their commitments to restore land.

18 June, 4:00 – 5:30 PM CEST (10:00 AM EST)
“I4C Pitch Hub Competition” (by World Bank)

The I4C annual Pitch Hub competition showcases ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and solutions for climate-smart cities. The 90-minutes virtual competition will include recorded pitches from the 5 finalists for the judging panel’s review and a live Q&A exchange between judges and competitors. After judges deliberate, the 3 finalists and winner will be announced. Register here.

18 June, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST (12:00 PM EST)
“Rebuilding More Sustainable, Resilient, and Healthier U.S. Cities Through New Insights” (by ICLEI)

As local governments shift resources to manage their ongoing public health responses, they are facing unprecedented resource and capacity restraints. Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) aims to lighten the burden of data-collection associated with greenhouse gas emissions. More cities across the United States will now have access to free, high-quality data, and actionable climate intelligence required to rapidly establish a baseline and create a pathway to achieve emission-reduction goals.

18 June, 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST (12:00 EST)
“Rural Communities Rise to the Challenge of Dual Disasters” (by Environmental and Energy Study InstituteEESI)

Rural communities face unique challenges in preparing for flooding and addressing related infrastructure needs. Local governments with small staffs often do not have the capacity to apply for disaster preparedness funding and can be left out of valuable US federal programs. This briefing will characterize these issues in the context of COVID-19 and highlight solutions communities are implementing to meet them. Watch the event live here.

18 June, 7:15 – 8:30 PM CEST
“How COVID-19 Can Inform Resiliency” (by Security and Sustainability Forum)

COVID-19 exposed the fact that many organizations were not prepared for a pandemic. Leaders across the public and private sectors were confronted with an environment where rapid decision had to be made on business operations, workforce planning, office closures, and changes to clients’ needs. This webinar will analyze lessons learned to date from the COVID-19 pandemic as they relate to preparedness planning and business continuity and share approaches to maximize the time between potential waves to enhance capacity and capability needed to achieve comprehensive business resilience across the public and private sectors.

18 June, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CEST (2:00 PM EST)
“Grid Services and Extreme Weather Events” (by Energy Systems Integration Group)

Extreme weather and the grid of the future. Impact of extreme events on wind and solar forecasts. Impact of extreme weather events on resource adequacy methods and calculations. This event is a part of the 2020 Meteorology & Market Design for Grid Services Workshop.

18 June, 8:00 – 9:00 PM CEST
“Codes and Policies to Advance Zero Goals: Policies for Retrofits and New Construction” (by New Buildings Institute)

This webinar features the work of states and local governments that are actively developing policy approaches aimed at driving towards zero energy and/or zero carbon new buildings and deep emission reductions for existing buildings. Across jurisdictions, successful strategies involve a combination of voluntary programs, policy tools, and codes. Presenters from New York State, Metro Boston and Denver will provide a snapshot of approaches that are being taken in their jurisdictions across North America to achieve energy and carbon goals by leveraging voluntary programs, mandatory and stretch codes, and other local government tools to drive change.

19 June, 12:00 – 1:00 PM CEST
Climate, COVID-19, and the collaboration we need” (by International Institute for Environment and Development – IIED)

The COVID-19 pandemic has demanded an unprecedented global response. With every nation experiencing the social and economic shock comes the stark realisation that we must adopt new and better ways to deal with global crises, including the climate emergency. This online event will look at the changing world and discuss what kind of collaboration and action is needed to readjust, and what we can learn that will help us tackle the climate crisis.

19 June, 3:00 – 4:15 PM CEST
“New Horizons – Europe driving ocean energy development worldwide” (by International Renewable Energy Agency – IRENA and Ocean Energy Europe)

Europe has been a pioneer in the development of ocean energy technologies. The vast majority of global capacity is installed in Europe and most projects around the world use European technology. However, other countries are catching up. Canada, the US and China are developing their own markets and new domestic champions are starting to emerge. To make the most of its first-mover advantage, both at home and abroad, Europe should act now. This webinar aims to concretely address this issue by providing useful examples and feedback to policy makers and other stakeholders.

20 June, 4:00 – 5:00 PM CEST
“Dynamic regulation and innovations in enabling technologies for a renewable-powered future” (by International Renewable Energy Agency – IRENA and Council of European Energy Regulators)

The webinar discusses the role of innovations in enabling technologies and regulation, with focus on digital technologies, to integrate very high shares of solar photovoltaic and wind resources. It will showcase 11 innovations in enabling technologies that help integrate very high shares of solar photovoltaic and wind resources in current power systems (e.g. batteries, EV smart charging, renewable mini-grids, renewable power-to-hydrogen, etc.), followed by a deep-dive into the digital technologies, i.e. Internet-of-Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, and their role in the energy transition. IRENA’s presentations will be complemented by a regulatory perspective with regards to the role of “dynamic regulation” to enable digitalization in the European energy system.

21 June, 🌎 International Climate Change Day